
Dead simple nested model relations for CodeIgniter 4 framework

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CodeIgniter Nested Model

Dead simple nested model relations for CodeIgniter 4 framework. Relations are eager loaded. Each relation is one additional database query.


This project is experimental.


// app/Models/UserModel.php

namespace App\Models;

use CodeIgniter\Model;
use Michalsn\CodeIgniterNestedModel\NestedModelTrait;

class UserModel extends Model
    use NestedModelTrait;
    protected $relations = [
        // one avatar - relation type, model, foreign key, local key
        'avatar' => ['hasOne', AvatarModel::class], //'user_id', 'id'],
        // many social links - relation type, model, foreign key, local key
        'links'  => ['hasMany', LinkModel::class], //'user_id', 'id'],
// app/Config/Routes.php


$routes->get('nested', static function () {

    // get all users with avatar and links

    // get user with id = 2 and all links

    // get user with id = 2 and links with type 'test'
    d(model(UserModel::class)->with('links', static function () {
        return model(LinkModel::class)->where('type', 'test');

