
Generator for exams and series from TeX sources. It's used for generating math tests and series.


You need to have TeX command-line tools installed on your computer (like If you can compile TeX documents through programs like TeXStudio, TeXShop or similar, then you should be fine.


Use ./bergen -h to show help with additional information on how to use this tool.

There are two ways you can use this CLI tool:

  1. Generate exams:
  • This will generate exam PDFs in exams folder:
$ ./bergen
  • If you want to set custom date and time, you can pass additional parameter -t or --time:
$ ./bergen -t 2020-01-20T11:00

It will generate exams with date and time in localized format (currently only Slovak): 20. január 11:00.

  1. Generate series of problem sets:
$ ./bergen -s


$ ./bergen --series

This will generate PDFs problem sets as series for students to practice. They will be stored in series folder.

Extend or edit problem sources

List of all problem type and their variations are stored in sources folder. You can edit any of them and then regenerate PDFs. Currently there are 9 problem sets with various number of types of particular problem in each folder under sources. Each problem has its own folder (pr1, pr2 and so on...). Inside those folders you can add, remove or edit TeX sources of problem types.

File naming convention to follow when adding new items:
