
Using some fancy Rollup plugins to convert async/await into generators under the hood!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Screeps Async Bot

Screeps Async Bot is a Screeps AI written in Typescript, using some fancy Rollup plugins to convert async/await into generators under the hood!


  • Rollup pipeline that automagically converts async/await into generators using a custom implementation of Promise.

  • The promises are executed until the CPU left is lower than 1.5x the average time it takes to initialize a Promise.

  • The promises are persisted between ticks. You can modify it to save them somewhere in case of a reset, though.

  • Example async implementations for Creep and Spawn are here, you can always replace them with your own.

  • A Channel implementation - one Promise can send a message while the other can await for it.

  • Promises and Channels have a suite of tests for it.

Basic Usage

You will need:

  • Node.JS (12.x or newer)
  • A Package Manager (Yarn
  • Rollup CLI (Optional, install via npm install -g rollup)

Download the latest source and extract it to a folder.

Open the folder in your terminal and run your package manager to install the required packages and TypeScript declaration files:


Fire up your preferred editor with typescript installed and you are good to go!

Rollup and code upload

This bot uses rollup to compile your typescript and upload it to a screeps server.

Move or copy location.sample.json to location.json and edit it, changing the destination path to the path your screeps script file resides in.

Running rollup -c will compile your code and do a "dry run", preparing the code for upload but not actually pushing it. Running rollup -c --environment DEST:main will compile your code, and then upload it to a screeps server using the main config from screeps.json.

You can use -cw instead of -c to automatically re-run when your source code changes - for example, rollup -cw --environment DEST:main will automatically upload your code to the main configuration every time your code is changed.

Finally, there are also NPM scripts that serve as aliases for these commands in package.json for IDE integration. Running npm run push-main is equivalent to rollup -c --environment DEST:main, and npm run watch-sim is equivalent to rollup -cw --dest sim.


The type definitions for Screeps come from typed-screeps. If you find a problem or have a suggestion, please open an issue there.