Professor X: For someone who hates mutants... you certainly keep some strange company. William Stryker: Oh, they serve their purpose... as long as they can be controlled.
Stryker offers mutation testing for your .NET Core and .NET Framework projects. It allows you to test your tests by temporarily inserting bugs in your source code.
For an introduction to mutation testing and Stryker's features, see Looking for mutation testing in JavaScript & Typescript or Scala?
Minimum target version:
- dotnet core 1.1
- dotnet framework 4.5
- dotnet standard 1.3
Tested against:
- dotnet core 3.1
- dotnet framework 4.8
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-stryker
cd /my/unit/test/project/folder
dotnet stryker
For more information read our getting started.
For the full documentation on how to use Stryker.NET, see our configuration docs.
Coming from Stryker.NET pre V2? Take a look at our migration guide.
For the full list of all available mutations, see the mutations docs.
For the full list of all available reporters, see the reporter docs.
Want to help develop Stryker.NET? Check out our contribution guide.
Issues for the HTML report should be issued at mutation-testing-elements.