
Tauri and Leptos example.

Primary LanguageRustMIT No AttributionMIT-0


See Prerequisites section.

Requires Rust nightly. See Leptos nightly note.

# Build and develop for desktop
cargo tauri dev

# Build and release for desktop
cargo tauri build


# Tauri CLI
cargo install --locked tauri-cli

# Rust nightly (required by Leptos)
rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade

# WASM target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

# Trunk WASM bundler
cargo install --locked trunk

# `wasm-bindgen` for Apple M1 chips (required by Trunk)
cargo install --locked wasm-bindgen-cli

# `esbuild` as dependency of `tauri-sys` crate (used in UI)
npm install --global --save-exact esbuild


All credit for the counter example in ./src-ui/src/lib.rs goes to authors and contributors of gbj/leptos GitHub repository, MIT License, Copyright 2022 Greg Johnston.