
Exercise listing users from Github with help of Angular.

Primary LanguageApacheConf

#Programming assignment

Create a list view that show users from GitHub. And a user detail page that shows details for one GitHub user.

##List view: The list view should show: name, id, avatar (image), etc

It should be possible to navigate to a user detail page by clicking on a user in the list. It should be possible to navigate to the users GitHub page by clicking on the avatar. The list view should highlight users who are hireable.

##Detail view: Things to show: name, id, avatar, list of followers (with name, id, avatar...), created date, modified date

##Apis to use

//returns 30 first users

//returns 30 users after the 30 first

//Return user by login

##Should use:

  • Angular
  • moment.js to display properly formatted dates

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