The infrastructure to support a coherent participant experience at IEEE VIS, including watching, engaging with speakers, and socializing.
- Fixed the behavior that allowed user-driven seeking within the video when clicking multiple times. It was due to a measure meant to prevent continuous seeking for super low bandwidth. Testing found that this only occurs for bandwidths of less than 0.5 mbit/s for low quality streaming, so this is probably acceptable. Turned off this check to disable seeking.
- Added support for multiple simultaneous streams by adding a URL search
query, i.e.
. Different sessions can have separate titles, videos, discord channels, and slidos. - Added support for window resize, i.e. resizing the window will cause the layout to refresh and adapt.
- Added support for different stream states:
has a large YouTube player and uses the Chat tab.QA
has a large YouTube player and uses the Q&A tab.SOCIALIZING
has a small YouTube player, a large, and uses the Discord tab.
- We now display the video name to the Video header on the page.