
React Component Generator in Atomic-Design Manner

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Greenkeeper badge a small cli helper-tool for fast component scaffolding.

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  1. npm install --save-dev atomic-scripts or yarn add --dev atomic-scripts

  2. Update your package.json like this:

      "scripts": {
    +   "atomic": "atomic-scripts"
    + "atomic-scripts": {
    +   "componentsDir": "src/components/"
    + }


In your terminal start the cli-script via: npm run atomic or yarn atomic

The answer all the questions and the component will be scaffolded into the correct directory. atomic-scripts


For custom componentTypes to choose in your cli: add them in your package.json config:

  "atomic-scripts": {
+   "componentTypes": [
+      "atom",
+      "molecule",
+      "organism",
+      "template"          
+    ]

If you want to specify your own templates: configure the path of your own templates.js in the package.json config:

  "atomic-scripts": {
    "componentsDir": "src/components/",
+   "templates": "thePathToYour/templates.js"

The specified templates.js MUST export an array of objects which contains two keys: fileName and fileContent.

These two can be strings or functions. If a function is supplied it will called with one parameter: an object with all user answers and must return a string.

Here is an example how this answers object could look like:

  type: 'atom',
  name: 'TestComponent',

For an quickstart look at the original templates.js file.

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MIT © Michael Seel