- to build a web application in order to collect and search data from in house lab.
- constructor UI
- api backend
- mongo db
- mysql on secure network
- test that the containers can communicate
- complete react/redux constructor UI
- docker-compose up -d --build
- localhost:3001 - react redux app
- localhost:80 - api hello world
- localhost:80/dummy - api dummy data
- docker run -it armor_dev_tools_development /bin/bash (to run the dev container)
docker run -it -v dev_env:/dev_env armor_dev_tools_development
- git add .
- git add
- git status
- git commit -m "message"
- git log
- gh repo create
- git remote add <remote_name> git@github.com:michavardy/<repo_name>.git
- usually the remote_name is called origin
- git remote -v
- git push <remote_name> <branch_name>
- usually the remote_name is called origin
- usually the branch_name is called main
- git push origin HEAD:main
- cd into directory with dockerfile
- docker build -t <image_name> .
- -t will give image the tag image name
- docker images
- docker image rm <image_id>
- docker run <image_name>
- you can port forword using -p 80:80
- detached mode for running backround servers -d
- -i interactive mode /bin/bash command for opening shell
- docker run -it <image_name> /bin/bash