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What is MakerHub

Makerhub is a entity centered around project based learning of modern digital open source tools.

Genetric Algorithem

Makerhub is currently focused on genetic algorithem study and application.

Problem type

Genetic Algorithems are well suited for problems that evaluation of a single solution is easy but finding the optimum solution among a large number of possible solutions is difficult. some examples are Waze path-finding, non supervised clustering like image recognition cat or dog.


Makerhub short term goals are:

  • master modern digital open source tools for digital development
  • study and apply genetic algorithems for a selection of hard problems
  • participate in GECCO 2023 conference (hopefully submit some papers)
  • start up some specific applications of genetic algorithems and get external funding

Makerhub long term goals are:

  • effectivly document and pass digital knowlage
  • persue interesting projects that involve digital simulation
  • solve hard problems using computers



evolution simulation

please review reference material in the following order



  1. game_of_life
  2. biosim4
  3. Bibits
  4. genetic_algorithem
  5. genetic_optimization





tutorial order i s required

  • week 1:
    • OS.md
    • git.md
    • IDE.md
    • markdown.md


  • the howto file is a cheatsheet that contains CLI commands for any technologies that we use