
Includes the weekly challenge Battleships. A ruby version for the well known board game Battleships.

Primary LanguageRuby



The aim of this project is to develop more advanced skills in Object Orientated design and programming.

The task is to build a game that models the board game, Battleships. Each player has a 10x10 two dimensional board which they place a number of battleships of varying sizes.

Once each player places their ships on their board they takes turns to take shots at their opponents board. If the square is occupied by a ship the attacking player notes a hit and a miss if the grid is empty. Whenever a ship has been fully hit, the opposing player is notified that the ship has sunk.

The game is over when all of one player's ships have been. The winner is the player with ships left on the board.

Domain Model



######Collaborators Player, Board, Ship


  1. Initialise game
  2. Reset Game
  3. Keeps a tally of number of hits ship receives
  4. Keeps score of overall games won
  5. Declares the winner

######Interactions The Game class is responsible for initialising the start of the game by interacting with the Player class. Upon initialisation the Board is created and the Ships are made ready.

Every time a Ship is hit the Game class keeps a tally. Once all ships have been hit, Game notifies the players of who has won the game.


######Collaborators Player, Board, Game


  1. Has 'Floating' status once initialized
  2. Acknowledges hits
  3. Tallys hits
  4. Changes ship status to 'Sunk' after maximum hit number
  5. Tells Game that its status is changed to 'removed from play'

######Interactions The Ship class interects with the Player class once the game beings in order to gain its position on the board. It is responsible for knowing how many hits it can take/tally, before its status is changed from its initialized state of 'Floating' to 'Sunk'.

Once 'Sunk', the Ship class interacts with the Game class to tell the Game class that the Ship class is no longer in action and in effect, removed from play.

######Collaborators Game, Board, Ship


  1. Place Ships on the board
  2. Shoots at a square on the opponents board

######Interactions The Player class tells the game class to initialize a new game. Once the Board and the Ships are initialized, it's up to the Player to place the Ships where he likes. Once the set-up is done two different Player take turns with deciding where to take a shot on the other Players Board.


######Collaborators Player, Ship, Game


  1. Knows the board size is
  2. Knows which grid spaces are occupied by ships
  3. Knows where players have deployed missiles

######Interactions The Board is initialised when the Game declares it a new game. Upon starting the Game, each Player places Ships on their Board. Whenever a Player has their turn, they nominate a gridpoint to launch their missile. The Board will know if this is a hit or miss.