
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Visit their repository for more information and help.

Remixing in Glitch

To make the auto-reload feature work:

  • Disable the "Refresh App on Changes" checkbox in your user menu (top right).

Changes made to the original boilerplate

Changes that were done to better integrate with Glitch:

  • The .env.development file contains DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true to fix the "Invalid host header" message that shows up, related to the development server.
  • A custom watch.json file was added so that the server doesn't restart when you make changes.
  • The start and build scripts in the package.json file were changed.

Creating a production build

To create and serve a production version of your app:

  • Run npm run build using the Logs > Console
  • Set NODE_ENV=production in the .env file

Then Glitch will serve the production build version of your app!

If you need to develop again, just unset the NODE_ENV variable and wait a bit for the modules to be installed.

💡 Idea: Maybe you can have two apps on Glitch, one for development and another for production, and use the "Export to GitHub" and "Import from GitHub" features to share the updates between the apps.

Optional: For faster boot times when your app goes to sleep and wakes up, you may rename the devDependencies key in your package.json file to _devDependencies, so those get ignored. They aren't needed, as in production static files inside your build are used. To see the contents of this folder, open the Logs > Console and run ls build.