
Community plugin for native & electron SQLite databases

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT




Capacitor community plugin for Native and Electron SQLite Databases. In Native databases could be encrypted with SQLCipher


Maintainer GitHub Social
Quéau Jean Pierre jepiqueau

CAPACITOR 3 (Master)

🚨 !!! Sorry for Electron developper, they will have to wait for @capacitor-community/electron release 4 before getting the @capacitor-community/sqlite Electron plugin part !!! 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.1.2 ->> 🚨

Thanks to Nirajhinge and Chris, an example of using the TypeORM driver in a Ionic/Vue app has been developed see https://github.com/jepiqueau/vue-typeorm-app.

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-rc.2 ->> 🚨

Thanks to Chris, a driver to TypeORM is now available

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.13 ->> 🚨

  • GlobalSQLite secret and newsecret are deprecated

  • The user can now set its own secure secret (passphrase)

    • use setEncryptionSecret ONCE to migrate encrypted databases from secret to secure stored secret

    • use changeEncryptionSecret to change your secure stored secret

  • iOS used KeyChain service to store the secret

  • Android used Encrypted SharedPreferences to store the secret, the minimun sdk should be set to 23 (limitation from Google)

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.13 ->> 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.11 ->> 🚨

  • Checking of types has been removed in all methods of the plugin both iOS & Android. This has been achieved to allow the use of others RDBMS types. The type checking is now under the responsability of the developers.

  • NULL values are now returned as null

  • values for the query method is now an Array of any.

  • option to disable transaction for the execute, executeSet, run.

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.11 <<- 🚨

The test has been achieved on:

REFACTOR (Move to branch 2.9.x)

The 2.9.x is now 🛑 NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE 🛑.

The refactor offers now (since 2.9.0-beta.1) all the features that the previous was offering. It has been a quite heavy process, hoping that the developpers will take benefit from it.

The main reasons for it:

  • multiple database connections
  • db connector allowing for easy commands db.open(), db.close, ...
  • improve the response time of the encrypted database by removing the internal open and close database for each sqlite query
  • moving to the latest androidx.sqlite.db.xxx
  • offering encryption for Electron platform by using @journeyapps/sqlcipher on MacOs, !!! NOT ON WINDOWS !!!
  • cleaning and aligning the code between platforms
  • allowing developers to develop typeorm or spatialite drivers.

This was discussed lengthly in issue#1 and issue#52

Refactor available for Android, iOS and Electron platforms.

The test has been achieved on:

Other frameworks will be tested later

  • Stencil

@INITIAL 🛑 (Move to branch 2.4.x)

The 2.4.x is now 🛑 NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE 🛑.

To install it

npm i --save @capacitor-community/sqlite@initial

The test has been achieved on:

Browser Support

The plugin follows the guidelines from the Capacitor Team,

meaning that it will not work in IE11 without additional JavaScript transformations, e.g. with Babel.


npm install @capacitor-community/sqlite
npm run build
npx cap sync
npx cap add android
npx cap add ios
// npx cap add @capacitor-community/electron not working


  • on iOS, no further steps needed.


  • On Android, no further steps needed.

Electron 🚧 (NOT WORKING YET)

  • On Electron, go to the Electron folder of YOUR_APPLICATION

Build & Run

npm run build
npx cap copy


npx cap open ios


npx cap open android

Electron 🚧 (NOT WORKING YET)

npx cap open @capacitor-community/electron




No configuration required for this plugin

Supported methods

Name Android iOS Electron Mac Electron Windows Web
createConnection 🚧 🚧
closeConnection 🚧 🚧
isConnection 🚧 🚧
open (non-encrypted DB) 🚧 🚧
open (encrypted DB) 🚧 🚧
close 🚧 🚧
execute 🚧 🚧
executeSet 🚧 🚧
run 🚧 🚧
query 🚧 🚧
deleteDatabase 🚧 🚧
importFromJson 🚧 🚧
exportToJson 🚧 🚧
createSyncTable 🚧 🚧
setSyncDate 🚧 🚧
getSyncDate 🚧 🚧
isJsonValid 🚧 🚧
isDBExists 🚧 🚧
addUpgradeStatement 🚧 🚧
copyFromAssets 🚧 🚧
isDBOpen 🚧 🚧
isDatabase 🚧 🚧
isTableExists 🚧 🚧
getDatabaseList 🚧 🚧
addSQLiteSuffix 🚧 🚧
deleteOldDatabases 🚧 🚧
checkConnectionsConsistency 🚧 🚧
isSecretStored 🚧 🚧
setEncryptionSecret 🚧 🚧
changeEncryptionSecret 🚧 🚧

Supported SQLite Types

-Datatypes In SQLite Version 3



Framework's Usage

Applications demonstrating the use of the plugin


Ionic/React (to come later)

Ionic/Vue (to come later)

Vue (to come later)



The IOS and Android codes are using SQLCipher allowing for database encryption

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Jean Pierre Quéau


Paul Antoine








This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!