Plant Micro-Observer App

Recommended setup

VSCode + Svelte.

Tested with and developed for iOS Safari. Should work with Chrome as well, but was not Android tested.

Node 16.x.x recommended.

Getting started

Viewable here.

npm install


npm start


npm run build
npm run preview


npm run gh-pages

Design and technology discussion

The app consists of highly decoupled components that share data via message passing through svelte "stores": reactive variables that can update components that subscribe to their changes when reassigned.


Despite spending years with - and enjoying - React, Svelte has been my goto frontend framework for a while. It brings a number of innovations that speed up developer agility and app scalability: reactivity based on a simple assignment syntax, strong opinions about scoped CSS, and framework code that is compiled into vanilla DOM operations rather than shipped with a runtime.


Since we're persisting a lot of images and objects, IndexedDB is the only scalable browser storage solution. IndexedDB's API, however, has a lot of boilerplate, which localforage nicely abstracts away.


Vite and snowpack were major bundling innovations that occurred in 2020. These tools take advantage of native ES6 modules by only transpiling the module that's currently being edited, and serves these modules individually rather concatinating them together into a bundled file. This makes typescript, sass, svelte transpilation, and dev startup nearly instantaneous as the app scales.

Next steps

  • Storage-persistant filters for groups and other metadata could exist within a hamburger menu
  • Discarding items should have an undo action for users who accidently discarded
  • Better data structures should be made for faster filtering
  • optimizations should be made for users that have uploaded many images:
    • either paginate or progressively unload / load images while scrolling
  • Assigning objectURLs to all images at startup could slow it down as number of images grow, alternatively generate objectURLS as images are scrolled into view
  • Annotations are really barebones and finicky:
    • Need to change annotation text position based on annotation location so that no overflowing occurs
    • Need to allow dragging, deleting annotations
  • There aren't any tests yet:
    • Need tests for adding images, removing images, updating images
    • Need tests for filtering images
  • An interface should be made for adding / removing plant groups
  • The app should probably be converted to a client side routed SPA before it scales any further