
The Quadratic Sieve algorithm for Integer Factorization up to 300+ bits in pure C.

Primary LanguageC

C Factorization using Quadratic Sieve

Pure C factorizer (Kraitchik family algorithm) using self-initialising Quadratic Sieve.

Your ~2500 lines GitHub project :

  • is immediately compatible with Microsoft Windows, Linux (no dependancy)
  • is a C99 command line factorizer from 0 to 300 bits (330 bits were factored in the lab)
  • is built so that you can easily use and test the software
  • use its own "big num" library named cint
  • use AVL trees to organize information
  • use Lanczos Block, a pure C iterative matrix eigenvalues finder algorithm
  • use Pollard's Rho algorithm to answer under 64 bits
  • try to benefit from the single large prime variant of the quadratic sieve

GNU General Public License

  • As an undergraduate student, this project is part of my computer science + maths training.
  • This software proposition is from Michel Leonard (student at Université de Franche-Comté, Mon, 11 Jul 2022)
  • There is no guarantee on the software
  • C code is shared under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  • The main mathematical and logical inspiration source is located at :

This software implementation would have been impossible without "FLINT: Fast Library for Number Theory" maintained by William Hart.


If you don't know how to get an executable, try to follow this procedure :

  • Ubuntu provide you a C compiler by the command sudo apt install build-essential
  • On Windows you can install MinGW, it will, like as Ubuntu, provide you a GCC compiler

With Terminal on Ubuntu or Powershell on Windows you can go to the downloaded directory (cd command) :

  • Execute gcc -Wall -pedantic -O3 main.c -o qs, GCC will create the right executable for your device

The compilation took a few seconds, you can use the software :

  • Execute ./qs 1389767379868103466550952369852270458062404848980444227682523391

The software will quickly show you the answer :

C:\qs.exe 1389767379868103466550952369852270458062404848980444227682523391
(1062949 ^ 2) * 19221289015581393571881329 * 63993335829453341906998279


Some options designed for software development haven't been removed, they are not intrusive.

Option example Action
-h prints the help
-l=270 causes the quadratic sieve to reject inputs larger than 270-bit, default to 220-bit
-t=150 execute a minute of factorization test with random 150-bit odd numbers
-m=3 causes the quadratic sieve to choose the multiplier 3 for its input N
-r=1 causes the quadratic sieve to choose the seed 1 for its random number generator
-s enables the silent mode, it disables the printing of progress

RSA factorization

Small and larger RSA numbers have been factored by the software, such as the 100 decimal digit number RSA-100.

Bits RSA Number Took
130 982374584994591973035454918323883152991 0.1 s
150 1179676342138800493769972880071793674490763037 0.2 s
170 1107814594796361407351721529681773419585636720020897 1 s
190 995209482127497644492758995962031762505687007535997155961 3 s
210 1143938601578848425045957187554857460827103223569512762813742971 15 s
230 1268631359685752304166485771456206118633849920528997030903788793364933 45 s
250 1401811817899460116600945074728583412740519573015376930481203561750251051823 4 min
270 1415606447884291776606783262139201189953436249643759632827004228713595295320953939 13 min

The initial software goal was to factor 200-bit RSA in 30 seconds, after which there were fewer situations tested.

  • RSA numbers greater than 250 bits have been tested, they have been factorized
  • During a test that lasted 2 hours, the software factored a 300-bit RSA number
  • The software factored the 321-bit RSA number relating to the "bank card case"

Fermat numbers factorization

F Fermat Number Took
7 340282366920938463463374607431768211457 150 ms
8 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639937 3 min
  • These tests like software development were made by laptop Honor MagicBook on Windows (64-bit)
  • One of the largest number factored during development was the 79 digits 8th Fermat Number

Mersenne numbers factorization

Number Decimal digits Fully factored in Using option
2^259 - 1 78 1 min 40 s -limit=250
2^360 - 1 109 3 s
2^468 - 1 141 40 s -limit=230
2^504 - 1 152 6 min 50 s -limit=270
2^630 - 1 190 55 min -limit=290

Mersenne numbers were factored by the trial division algorithm and then completed by the quadratic sieve.

Other factorizations

The software, although modest, is designed to be a general purpose factoring solution.


Thousands of random factorization tests have been performed using :

  • a single-core Debian system (Linux) on OVH-cloud-amd64
  • PHP7.4 which took for time measurements and compared data
  • GMP who provided inputs and checked the factorizations validity
  • the numbers provided in text files, among others


A basic ~100 line test feature is available for developer convenience :

  • the goal is to provide input when testing new configurations
  • test durations are between 30 seconds (130-bit) and 3 minutes (200-bit)
  • the ./qs test=1 test offers a 2 minute crescendo up to 200+ bits
  • the ./qs test=160 test offers a minute of 160-bit random odd numbers

The time measurements provided in this web page are indicative in 2022, not all were taken by the same device.


  • the usual answers contain prime numbers
  • quotes around a number means the software know it's not a prime


Memory allocations are reasonably sized, so this project passes pointers to assert.

  • the program will stop if the memory is refused, showing you an error message
  • it would be recommended to restart your device if you see this kind of message

Technical : valgrind usually shows around 10MB and 80MB allocated depending on the SIQS input size.


You have access to the source code of cint, the lite "big num" library cint is designed to :

  • take input from a regular integer
  • take input from an "arbitrary" long string in base 2 to 62
  • perform basic math operations, including nth_root, modular_inverse, is_prime
  • output its content as a string in base from 2 to 62

To perform intermediates computations cint does not use global variable, excepting rand it's thread-safe.

AVL trees

You have access to the source code of AVL, a fast self-balancing binary search tree utility :

  • used to store relations and answers
  • uses a height field and a parent pointer for each tree node
  • tree can store and retrieve keys in worst case 1.44 * log2 (number of entries)
  • this software implementation use cint as tree entries (or keys)
  • tested and fast with many more keys than quadratic sieve uses

cint and AVL are initially separate projects from the quadratic sieve.


Developers can for example :

  • replace cint with GMP
  • replace AVL with a hashmap
  • better reconfigure the software
  • criticize the preparation_part_3_michel function
  • report any inaccuracies they notice, please

During development you may like to compile your code faster by disabling GCC compiler optimizations :

gcc -Wall -pedantic -O0 main.c -o qs
  • GCC -O3 optimization improves the speed of the executable compared to -O0, it's just slower to compile
  • the current source code does not have assembly or pre-processing tricks because it's designed for beginners

The file main.c

This file only contains a few lines so you can easily perform your refactoring :

int main(void) {
	fac_params config = {0};
	config.silent = 1;
	cint N; // initialize a number N (max 1024-bit) from a string in base 10 to be factored.
	cint_init_by_string(&N, 1024, "1179676342138800493769972880071793674490763037", 10);
	fac_cint **answer = c_factor(&N, &config); // get a factorization of N.
	char *str = fac_answer_to_string(answer); // format the answer as a string.
	free(str); // release the string.
	free(answer); // release the answer memory.
	free(N.mem); // release N memory.

The file fac_utils.c

The file contains utilities that are not specifically intended for a quadratic sieve :

  • c_factor, takes on a factorization request and coordinates the work
  • pollard_rho
  • is_prime_1062961
  • log_computation
  • multiplication_modulo
  • power_modulo
  • kronecker_symbol
  • tonelli_shanks
  • modular_inverse
  • answer_to_string, translates a factorization result into a string
  • mem_aligned

The file fac_quadratic.c

The quadratic sieve file structure is as follows:

  • the ~40 lines function that allows to see the algorithm structure
  • the 2 important loop conditions
  • the algorithm parameters
  • the functions approximately in the order they are called

preparation_part_2 .. 3

The input N is duplicated and called "kN" after this function complete :

  • multiply N by a prime number to reach 120 bits
  • apply a multiplier to N intended to optimize runtime

The preparation_part_3_michel function provide a multiplier that make the algorithm completes faster on average.

Variable Information
N Prime factors are removed from N and N is updated until N = 1
kN Algorithm computes with kN which always remains a constant

See how multipliers affect the execution of ./qs 144311040110679000656983950712977705460301891839699388207 :

Option Makes the algorithm really factoring Comment on the multiplier Took
-m=47 kN = 47 * N One of the best 5.8 s
-m=41 kN = 41 * N Current proposition 7.8 s
-m=1 kN = 1 * N No multiplier 12.5 s
-m=11 kN = 11 * N One of the worst 27.3 s

My proposal don't always pick the very best multiplier, so "on average" is fairer. A significant speed difference can be noticed between good and no multiplier, so the question (Knuth-Schroeppel analysis) deserves some attention. Your preparation_part_3 function or concept would be gladly compared and why not integrated to this project.

qs_parametrize, preparation_part_4

Good parameters can improve the speed.

  • define the algorithm parameters
  • allocates a block of memory for the quadratic sieve computations
  • prepare constants, variables, buffers, data arrays ...

There is a struct inside the qs_sheet (or manager) called mem :

  • it holds the base entry point of the allocated memory
  • it holds a now void* pointer which represent the current available memory

qs_sheet holds 3 AVL tree manager :

  • one to store the regular relations
  • one to store the relations that wait to be paired (partials)
  • one to store the known divisors of N

With small precautions you are supposed to be able to store anything in now, then to update now accordingly to what you stored. now is always supposed to contain only zero until its end. This is the main memory management technique used by this software. mem_align aims to provide aligned pointers, wasting a few bits if necessary.

preparation_part_5 .. 6

Fill the manager's base array with prime numbers provided by a constant expression :

  • verify that kN is a square mod prime, ignore it otherwise
  • associates the prime with square root of kN mod prime
  • associates the prime with its size (log2)
  • computes invariants like D used to generate the A polynomial coefficient


  • can restore the relations previously saved by Lanczos algorithm
  • can be used to perform analysis, save/restore factorization to file or other periodic actions

Polynomial AX^2 + 2BX + C coefficients :

coefficient is a constant after is a constant until
A iteration_part_1 inner_continuation_condition completion
B iteration_part_4 for loop final expression
C iteration_part_6 for loop final expression
  • Polynomial and related data are computed until iteration_part_6 complete
  • The algorithm prepares data that will help generate polynomial values that will be multiples of the factor base
  • iteration_part_7 and iteration_part_8 are used for sieving

Search sieve for relations

register_relations searches sieve for relations, it reads the sieve. When the function finds interesting to define the variable X , calculates the value of the polynomial in X then divides the value with the factor base, it thus tries to establish relations.

Buffered knowledge is structured by register_relation_kind_1 and register_relation_kind_2 :

  • informations potentially useful are saved into a struct qs_relation*
  • register_relation_kind_1 immediately build a matrix of regular full qs_relation* using AVL tree
  • register_relation_kind_2 combine (single large primes variation) qs_relation* together using AVL tree

The AVL trees are used to identify duplicates and retrieve their data.

register_relation_kind_2 : Large prime variation

In short : given two partial relation having same large prime, the software merge them to obtain a full relation.

This step is not necessary to complete a factorization, so it could easily be skipped completely, but it leads to a runtime speedup. To disable this feature it is sufficient to never call the register_relation_kind_2 function. So, during the execution of register_relations, after the trial division by the factor base primes (cint_remove), if the quotient is still greater than 1 but less than the large prime bound, then the software register this partial relation with register_relation_kind_2 which stores a new qs_relation in a different location than full relations. After that, if the large prime number collected is equal to a prime number previously collected in another partial relation (the AVL tree recognizes it), the software combines these two relations, then calls the register_relation_kind_1 function (which register all regular full relations), and at this point there is no difference between this newly created relation and any other one. A third partial relation sharing the same prime number as the previous two would simply be ignored, as it is more complicated (we must not provide linearly dependent rows to lanczos_block). There are solutions to add even more relations (double large primes variation), but I didn't go that far mathematically, this software only try to benefit from the single large primes variation of the quadratic sieve. I think it's classic, the operation consumes memory for an expected gain in execution time ; as shown in the table below, this allow us to gather our amount of needed relations faster. Because of this operation the percentage of progression of the quadratic sieve does not evolve linearly, but accelerates progressively.

N bits Relations added immediately Relations added by single large primes variation Relations needs
150 2551 3 2554
170 3168 659 3827
190 3212 1786 4998
210 3409 3012 6421
230 5659 4686 10345
250 10051 9793 19844
270 14026 15484 29510
290 12820 20201 33021


Decides if sieving shoud continue or break, the relation counter is usually the condition.


This algorithm find a subset of all exponent vectors such that the sum of their exponent vectors is the zero vector :

  • the process need memory, fac_lanczos.c have its own array builder
  • all memory taken in mem.now is zeroed and reusable after calculations
  • finding the matrix eigenvalues is usually fast, it can still take 400+ iterations with large N
  • the algorithm is probabilistic with high success rate, generally it is lucky enough
  • several tries with and without reduce_matrix are performed before giving up

The reduce_matrix function helps lanczos_block and could be called unconditionally, but for now it still first tries not to call it. This was an experience that helped me understand why we should sometimes discard a few relations.

finalization_part_1 .. 2 .. 3

The finalization_part_1 function performs the square root + GCD step based on the lanczos_block answer :

It often leads to a factorization of N but in certain cases such as :

./qs 51460938795049063955433175628971167803839994111348342302522016010379

when N is not fully factored, finalization_part_2 completes the factorization with GCDs and perfect power checks.


This function is used to decide if the algorithm should return the control, or return to sieving.

  • normal case is to return the control, answer was found
  • unusual case is when N isn't fully factored (maybe parameters was wrong)

So before giving up, the algorithm searches 10%, 25% then 50% more relations.

See also

Here are some useful online tools I've used :

Thank you

There are many people to thank :

  • Carl Pomerance
  • Jason Papadopoulos
  • William Hart
  • my professors at University of Franche-Comté ❤️
  • GitHub and SourceForge users reporting issues