
Quick & dirty query tool with just what I need (maybe less).

Primary LanguageC#


Quick & dirty query tool with just what I need (maybe less).


  • Stop with non query SQL (what about transaction ?)
  • Use schema informations to find foreign keys
  • Use Dapper NuGet ?
  • Etc...


  • Modern UI (so WPF ?)


Connections are defined in the file "App.Connections.secret". It's a JSON file with the following informations:

    "CnxString": "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=C:\\DB\\Department_Express.mdf;User Instance=true;Database=Department_Express"
  , "Environment": "Test"
  , "Name": "Department.MDF"
  , "Provider": "System.Data.SqlClient"
    "CnxString": "Server=xxxxx.sqlserver.sequelizer.com;Database=yyyyy;User ID=zzzzz;Password=xyz"
  , "Environment": "Release"
  , "Name": "Department.AppHarbor"
  , "Provider": "System.Data.SqlClient"
    "CnxString": "Data Source=C:\\DB\\Department.sdf"
  , "Environment": "Debug"
  , "Name": "Department.SDF"
  , "Provider": "System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0"
    "CnxString": "Host=xxxxx.amazonaws.com;Database=yyyyy;Username=zzzzz;Password=xyz;Port=5432;SSL Mode=Require;Trust Server Certificate=true"
  , "Environment": "Release"
  , "Name": "Department.Heroku"
  , "Provider": "Npgsql"
    "CnxString": "Data Source=C:\\DB\\Department.db"
  , "Environment": "Test"
  , "Name": "Department.DB"
  , "Provider": "System.Data.SQLite"
    "CnxString": "Data Source=DEPARTMENT;User ID=zzzzz;Password=xyz"
  , "Environment": "Release"
  , "Name": "Department.Oracle"
  , "Provider": "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"
    "CnxString": "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\\DB\\Department.mdb;ExtendedAnsiSQL=1"
  , "Environment": "Debug"
  , "Name": "Department.MDB"
  , "Provider": "System.Data.Odbc"
    "CnxString": "Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};System=;DBQ=xxxxx;QueryTimeout=0;Uid=zzzzz;Pwd=xyz;Transaction=no"
  , "Environment": "Debug"
  , "Name": "Department.DB2"
  , "Provider": "System.Data.Odbc"
    "CnxString": "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver};Server=localhost;Database=Department;
  , "Environment": "Debug"
  , "Name": "Department.MySQL"
  , "Provider": "System.Data.Odbc"

Supported providers:

  • System.Data.SqlClient
  • System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0
  • Npgsql
  • System.Data.SQLite
  • Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client
  • Oracle.DataAccess.Client (and System.Data.OracleClient)
  • System.Data.Odbc


Connection tab

  • double click => open selected connection
  • file drop => open file (if extension in "mdb", "mdf", sdf", "db", "db3", "sqlite")
  • delete key => remove connection from list

Connection title

  • double click => refresh table list

Table list

  • double click => SELECT * FROM table name
  • control + double click => DESC table name

Grid cell

  • click => select cell row
  • double click => select cell
  • control + double clic => SELECT * FROM table parent WHERE ID = cell value

Row detail (after a rotation)

  • right arrow => next row
  • left arrow => previous row

Format command

After a SELECT, FORMAT is a pseudo-command to rearrange informations from the data grid.

Syntax: FORMAT { LIST | GRID | TEXT | specific format }

SELECT query

SELECT * FROM Categories
Id  Caption      Description                          Created     Total
--  -----------  -----------------------------------  ----------  -----
1   Confections  Desserts, candies, and sweet breads  04/08/2014  10
2   Produce      Dried fruit and bean curd            04/17/2014  12
3   Seafood      Seaweed and fish                     05/23/2014  5

LIST syntax

Id  Caption      Description                          Created     Total
--  -----------  -----------------------------------  ----------  -----
 1  Confections  Desserts, candies, and sweet breads  04/08/2014     10
 2  Produce      Dried fruit and bean curd            04/17/2014     12
 3  Seafood      Seaweed and fish                     05/23/2014      5

GRID syntax

| Id | Caption     | Description                         | Created    | Total |
|  1 | Confections | Desserts, candies, and sweet breads | 04/08/2014 |    10 |
|  2 | Produce     | Dried fruit and bean curd           | 04/17/2014 |    12 |
|  3 | Seafood     | Seaweed and fish                    | 05/23/2014 |     5 |

TEXT syntax

1→"Confections"→"Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"→04/08/2014→10
2→"Produce"→"Dried fruit and bean curd"→04/17/2014→12
3→"Seafood"→"Seaweed and fish"→05/23/2014→5

FORMAT example 1

FORMAT {0};"{Caption}";{created:yyyy-MM-dd};{total}

FORMAT example 2

FORMAT UPDATE Reports SET Caption = '{1}', Total = {4} WHERE (Id = {ID});
UPDATE Reports SET Caption = 'Confections', Total = 10 WHERE (Id = 1);
UPDATE Reports SET Caption = 'Produce', Total = 12 WHERE (Id = 2);
UPDATE Reports SET Caption = 'Seafood', Total = 5 WHERE (Id = 3);
