
Application pour générer un site statique à partir d'un site markdown

Primary LanguageC#


QuickHtml is a basic static site generator.

It takes a source folder and creates a distribution website where markdown files are converted to html.

Project structure

|-- docs
|-- src
|   |-- css
|   |   |-- normalize.css
|   |   ·-- style.css
|   |-- images
|   |-- js
|   |-- contents
|   |   ·-- flyer.pdf
|   |-- config.yml
|   |-- favicon.ico
|   |-- index.md
|   |-- layout.html
|   |-- page1.md
|   |-- page2.md
|   |-- robots.md
|   ·-- sitemap.md
|-- tools
|   ·-- qh.bat
|-- .gitattributes
|-- .gitgnore
·-- readme.md

docs folder

This is where the final static site will be generated.

It's an exact copy of the src folder structure, except that markdown files are converted to html files.

src folder

This is where you create all files and folders for your website.

The src folder should at least contain 3 folders for your site assets:

  • css
  • images (optionally with subfolders)
  • js

This folder must have a file with the name layout.html:

  • It's the template for all pages from your website,
  • QuickHtml will not create your static site without this file.

Then you have to create one markdown file for each page you want to publish in your generated site. This markdown files can be nested in subfolders.

You can also have "static" files in the src folder (like "flyer.pdf" or "favicon.ico"). They will be copied when QuickHtml will generate the final site.

tools folder

This folder contains a batch file to run QuickHtml and create all the docs content from the src folder.


This file contains all the site settings.

sitetitle: "My Web Site"
lang: "en"
url: "https://www.my-site.com/"
urltitle: "~ www.My-Site.Com ~"
changefreq: "monthly"
priority: 1.0

This "variables" are used to configure your website:

  • {{ sitetitle }} is the general title of your website,
  • {{ lang }} is the language of your content,
  • {{ url }} is the URL of your website,
  • {{ urltitle }} is a title to link to your site,
  • {{ changefreq }} is used to create sitemap.xml,
  • {{ priority }} is used to create sitemap.xml.

{{ url }} define the exact address of your website, like "https://www.my-site.com/", "http://example.org/" or "http://example.org/test/". This information is mandatory when QuickHtml need to create a sitemap or a robots.txt file.

{{ urltitle }} is a short text generally used in the footer of each page to link to your site. It can be your name, a pretty title, or whatever you want. By default, QuickHtml will use a short text from the URL, like "www.my-site.com", "example.org" or "example.org/test".


This a pure html file which contains the template for all the pages of your website. Inside this html code, you can use "variables" to personalize the content of the final page.

You can use the 6 general variables from config.yml and 4 more variables specific to each page:

  • {{ title }} define the current page title,
  • {{ description }} is the content for the description meta header,
  • {{ alttitle }} should be a title for the index page in the current folder,
  • {{ id }} can be used to identify the page.

All variables will be replaced with actual values when QuickHtml will convert markdown files.

Variable names are case sensitive.

markdown files

A markdown file represents a page for you website. Each file starts with a header where you can define the values for all variables.

title: "Welcome"
id: "home"

## {{ title }}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur.

You only have to define variables that are actually used in your layout.html template.

  • If you don't define a variable but use it in layout.html, an empty value will be used and no error occurs.
  • If you don't define the alttitle variable but use it, the title value will be used to replace it.

Inspired from Pandoc, QuickHtml converts "...^xyz^..." to "...<sup>xyz</sup>...", although it's not a CommonMark feature.



When src folder contains a file named "sitemap.md", QuickHtml will use it as a template to generate "sitemap.xml" in the docs folder.

A correct template to generate a standards-compliant site map should be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
    <loc>{{ loc }}</loc>
    <lastmod>{{ lastmod }}</lastmod>
    <changefreq>{{ changefreq }}</changefreq>
    <priority>{{ priority }}</priority>

The sitemap template uses 3 "variables" defined in config.yml:

  • {{ url }} to define the website URL,
  • {{ changefreq }} for page modification frequency: daily, weekly, monthly or yearly by default
  • {{ priority }} for page priority: value between 0.0 to 1.0 (1.0 by default)

If {{ url }} does not exist in config.yml, the sitemap is not created.

Variables changefreq and priority can also be defined at the page level to accept values specific to a page.

The 2 variables {{ loc }} and {{ lastmod }} are automatically set by QuickHtml.


QuickHtml can generate a "robots.txt" file in the docs folder when your src folder contains a file named "robots.md", with the following template:

User-agent: *
Sitemap: {{ url }}sitemap.xml

This template accepts only the {{ url }} variables as your website URL. If this variable does not exist in config.yml, the robots file is not created.


The {{ lang }} variable in config.yml defines the language of your website.

This setting accepts one single value in the format defined in the Tags for Identifying Languages (BCP47) IETF document. The default value is en.

This variable can be used to define the lang attribute of the html element in your layout.html template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ lang }}">

This value is also used to "smartify" your html, unless it contains "none".

Using QuickHtml

Generate docs website

Run qh.bat from tools folder and QuickHtml process all files in the src folder to generate the docs content.

  • Combine "layout.html" and "markdown" files to create "html" files,
  • Build "sitemap.xml" from "sitemap.md" and markdown files list,
  • Simply copy all other "static" files,
  • Do not copy restricted files.

Static files are copied when:

  • they have a valid extension: ".css", ".gif", ".html", ".ico", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".js", ".pdf", ".png", ".txt" or ".xml",
  • they are located in the src root, whatever extension they have.

All other files are restricted files and are not copied to the docs folder.

Note: a "png" file is not copied when there is a "jpg" or "jpeg" file with the same name in the same folder. In this case, QuickHtml considers the jpeg image is the optimized version of the png image.

Deploy website

Once the docs folder is generated, you have to copy its content to your host space.
