
Provision a three-node Cassandra cluster with Stargate enabled for easy developer integration

Run Stargate on Cassandra using Docker Compose

Start Cassandra and Stargate

The docker-compose.yml has been configured as such to allow for a gracefull startup of all nodes and finally Stargate.

It uses the docker compose healtcheck which checks for the amount of Cassandra nodes being up and running in a healthy way (no start up, no range movement).

docker-compose up -d

Bash into the container

docker exec -it backend-1 bash

Check that everything is running

Use nodetool to check the health of the system. You should see four nodes running.

docker exec -it `docker ps | grep backend-1 | cut -b 1-12` nodetool status

Stargate port mapping

Stargate is started with the following port mappings:

Port Service
8080 GraphQL interface for CRUD
8081 REST authorization service for generating tokens
8082 REST interface for CRUD
9042 Native transport port (CQL, drivers)

All ports available on localhost.

Log in to cqlsh on the Cassandra container

Local cqlsh can be downloaded from https://docs.datastax.com/en/install/6.7/install/installCqlsh.html

docker exec -it backend-1 cqlsh


cqlsh localhost 9042

Access the built-in Stargate Swagger UI

To access the Swagger UI, open http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui in your browser.


Access the built-in Stargate GraphQL playground

To access the GraphQL UI, open http://localhost:8080/playground in your browser.


Example using CURL: Generate an auth token

curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:8081/v1/auth' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
    "username": "cassandra",
    "password": "cassandra"

Using Stargate on Astra and locally

This part is all about how to use the REST, Document and GraphQL API's with Cassandra.

For accessing the endpoints, Postman (https://www.postman.com) will be used, for which collection and environment definitions are provided.

The files in this repository are inspired on the work done by Dave Joy, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU3Z4msZaDU.

Differences in URL postfixes between Astra and locally

First of all it is important to note that the URLs of the Stargate endpoints, apart from the hostname of course, are a bit different. As follows:

API Astra URL postfix Local URL postfix
REST and Document /api/rest :8082
GraphQL /api :8080
Authorization /api/rest :8081

For this reason two separate environment definitions are provided:

  • Local Stargate (fully configured): Local Stargate.postman_environment.json
  • Astra (needs configuring): Astra.postman_environment.json

In order to use these defintions just load them into Postman.

When using Astra instead of local

For Astra, make sure you configure the following variables:

  • hostname
  • username
  • password

Load the collections of API calls

In order to load the collection of API calls to play with the endpoints, load Stargate Access.postman_environment.json.