
Simple demo to show the power and capabilities of CDC

🚨 CDC for Cassandra using Pulsar

The goal of this project is to create a super simple sandbox to try out CDC for Cassandra using Pulsar in a near real-time manner.

It consists of the following components:

1️⃣ About CDC

CDC for Cassandra used to be pretty complex to use until the release of the DataStax CDC implementation based on two components:

  1. The DataStax Change Agent for Cassandra
  2. The DataStax Cassandra Source Connector for Pulsar

DataStax Change Agent for Cassandra

The role of the Change Agent is to alert on changes on candidate tables and then publish these towards Pulsar.

DataStax Cassandra Source Connector

Then the role of the Cassandra Source Connector is to pick up on these topic, deduplicate them (as Cassandra typically runs in a distributed fashion) and the npush them on a new data topic to be consumed.

From here it is possible to send them to a sink for post processing. For instance to and Elastic Search instance or for purposes of Analytics, Machine Learning, etc.

2️⃣ Run the sandbox

First start the docker containers for this sandbox: Cassandra, Pulsar and the Pulsar Dashboard:

docker-compose up -d

What happens now is the following:

🅰️ Cassandra is started with CDC enabled and the Change Agent installed.

The Change Agent is configured using ./config/jvm-server.options where the following line is added to configure the Agent:

# Enable the CDC Java Agent

This allows the change agent (agent-c4-pulsar-1.0.1-all.jar) to send data to Pulsar (running on docker host pulsar and port 6650).

Additionally Cassandra is configured to enable CDC using ./config/cassandra.yaml:

# Enable / disable CDC functionality on a per-node basis. This modifies the logic used
# for write path allocation rejection (standard: never reject. cdc: reject Mutation
# containing a CDC-enabled table if at space limit in cdc_raw_directory).
cdc_enabled: true

🅱️ Pulsar is started and ready to receive data

3️⃣ Set up a data model in Cassandra

Make sure that Cassandra has been started completely:

docker logs cassandra | grep "Startup complete"

Cassandra is started when you see a line come back like this:

INFO  [main] 2022-03-31 08:48:07,097 CassandraDaemon.java:782 - Startup complete

Now we can set up a data model in Cassandra that is enabled for CDC:

docker exec -it cassandra sh -c "cqlsh -e \"\
CREATE KEYSPACE ks1 WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}; \
CREATE TABLE ks1.table1 (a int, b text, PRIMARY KEY(a)) WITH cdc=true\""

Here we create a keyspace named ks1 and a table table1 which is enabled for CDC.

4️⃣ Create a Cassandra Source in Pulsar

Now create a source based on the DataStax Cassandra Source Connector. This allows Pulsar to receive data from the Change Agent.

docker exec -it pulsar sh -c "/pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin source create \
--name cassandra-source \
--archive /var/cassandra-source-connector/pulsar-cassandra-source-1.0.1.nar \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--destination-topic-name public/default/data-ks1.table1 \
--parallelism 1 \
--source-config '{
    \"events.topic\": \"persistent://public/default/events-ks1.table1\",
    \"keyspace\": \"ks1\",
    \"table\": \"table1\",
    \"contactPoints\": \"cassandra\",
    \"port\": 9042,
    \"loadBalancing.localDc\": \"datacenter1\",
    \"auth.provider\": \"PLAIN\"

In this configuration we set the agent up to listen on:

Origin Value
Keyspace ks1
Table table1
Host cassandra (which is the docker hostname)
Port 9042 (native transport protocol)
Datacenter datacenter1

Additionally we set up the following topics:

Topic Value Notes
Origin public/default/events-ks1.table1 This is the topic the Change Agent on Cassandra pushed data into
Destination public/default/data-ks1.table1 The Source Connector pushes deduplicated data into this topic which can them be consumed for instance by a sink

To check if the source connector is up and running:

docker exec -it pulsar sh -c "/pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin source status --name cassandra-source"

5️⃣ Consume the data from CDC

We want to see the output of destination topic on Pulsar. To do this run:

docker exec -it pulsar sh -c "/pulsar/bin/pulsar-client consume public/default/data-ks1.table1 -s 'ks1-table1' -n 60 -r 1"

Now watch this space for incoming messages managed by the Source Connector.

6️⃣ Create some data in Cassandra

In a new terminal, run:

docker exec -it cassandra sh -c "cqlsh -e \"\
INSERT INTO ks1.table1 (a, b) VALUES ( 1, 'one'); \
INSERT INTO ks1.table1 (a, b) VALUES ( 2, 'two'); \
INSERT INTO ks1.table1 (a, b) VALUES ( 3, 'three');\""

And watch the data being made available in the public/default/data-ks1.table1 destination topic.

7️⃣ Start dreaming of your new use-case

Now that CDC is working and available in a scalable and robust way it's your turn to start dreaming of your new use case.

For instance, think about crowd control based on passenger data streaming in in real-time.

Or what about providing real time updates on the location of parcel delivery.

The use-cases are endless!