
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Yoga Pose means' is to determine which yogapose the subject is performing based on an image.

Data Preparation

Run the script ./get_dataset.sh. After completion you should get this data configuration. Feel free to interchange the examples images as long as the directory tree remains the same. There are also the splitted sets into "./data/split/". those splitted images are taken with a per-class splitting of 90-10 from the original dataset

|-- annotations
|   `-- annotations.json
|-- examples
|	|-- 0
|	|   |-- 00000003.jpg
|	|   |-- ... 
|	|-- ...
`-- images
	|-- 0
	    |-- 0000009.jpg
	    |-- ... 
 	|-- ...


Yoga pose By Saxena (Kaggle) resized to match 256x192: GoogleDrive

TransPose applied to a sample of Saxena's dataset (256x192): GoogleDrive

Models_logs: GoogleDrive


Great thanks for this paper and his open-source code:TransPose