
Get started with large scale angular applications and require.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is a starting place for building large scale angular.js applications with require.js.

To get started, clone or fork the repo and use it as your starting place!

Require.js Packages

This starter uses require.js packages to organize the app into smaller pieces. Have a look in the starter folder.

You'll see a main.js.

define(function(require) {
    var angular = require("angular"),
        name = "my.starter",

    ngModule = angular.module("my.starter", [])
        .controller("StarterCtrl", require("./starterCtrl"));

    return {
        name: name,
        ngModule: ngModule

The job of this file is to create a module, and return an object containing at least a name.

In the application's main.js you need to add the package.

packages: ["starter"]

In app.js you require the package, and then utilize the package.name.

 var starter = require("starter");

    angular.module("app", [


To create a build of your app, first install node, and then run...

npm install -g require.js

Then run,

r.js -o app.build.js

This will create a /dist folder with the built app.

Note: the dist folder is included in this repository, but you may want to add dist to your .gitignore to keep it out of git