
Visual Studio Code Extension - See Git Blame info in status bar.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Git Blame

Build Status

See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line.

Feature Usage


  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+X or ⇧⌘X
  3. Type blame
  4. Click install on Git Blame


Setting Type Default Value
gitblame.commitUrl string "guess"
  • Url where you can see the commit by hash
  • "guess" will try to guess the URL based on your remote origin
    • Can only support servers that fulfill the following requirements:
      • Url is https
      • No auth or port required
  • "no" will not guess and will not show a link
  • Available tokens:
    • ${hash} - the commit hash
    • ${project.name} - your project name (e.g. https://github.com/user/project_name.git)
    • ${project.remote} - the current default remote's URL with the protocol, port-specifiers, and trailing .git stripped. (e.g. https://github.com/user/project_name.git)
  • Example: https://github.com/Sertion/vscode-gitblame/commit/${hash}
  • Example: https://${project.remote}/+/${hash}
gitblame.isWebPathPlural boolean false
  • Recommended for BitBucket users.
  • Will only impact gitblame.commitUrl when it is set to "guess".
  • When set to true it will set the url will point to commits instead of commit.
gitblame.ignoreWhitespace boolean false
Use the git blame -w flag
gitblame.infoMessageFormat string "${commit.hash} ${commit.summary}"
Message that appears when the gitblame.quickInfo command executes (when you click the status bar message). Available tokens.
gitblame.statusBarMessageFormat string "Blame ${author.name} ( ${time.ago} )"
Message in the status bar about the current line's git blame commit. Available tokens.
gitblame.statusBarMessageNoCommit string "Not Committed Yet"
Message in the status bar about the current line when no commit can be found. No available tokens.
gitblame.statusBarPositionPriority number undefined
Priority where the status bar view should be placed. Higher value should be placed further to the left.
gitblame.progressSpinner string[] ["$(sync~spin)"]
  • An array of strings that will be displayed in sequence to denote progress while blaming files in larger repositories.
  • Supports Octoicons with the ~spin suffix for spin action.
  • When the array only contains one item that item is rendered once instead of every 100ms.
gitblame.logLevel string[] ["info", "error", "command", "critical"]
  • An array of levels to log to the extension log.
  • Available levels:
    • "info"
    • "error"
    • "command"
    • "critical"

Message Tokens

Token Function Parameter Default Value Description
${commit.hash} No - - 40-bit hash unique to the commit
${commit.hash_short,length} Yes length 7 the first length characters of the 40-bit hash unique to the commit
${commit.summary} No - - the first line of the commit message
${commit.filename} No - - the file name where the line was committed
${author.name} No - - the commit author's name
${author.email} No - - the commit author's e-mail
${author.timestamp} No - - timestamp for the commit author's commit
${author.tz} No - - the commit author's time zone
${committer.name} No - - the committer's name
${committer.email} No - - the committer's e-mail
${committer.timestamp} No - - timestamp for the committer's commit
${committer.tz} No - - the committer's time zone
${time.ago} No - - displays an estimation of how long ago the author committed (e.g. 10 hours ago, 20 days ago, 4 months ago)
${time.custom,format} Yes format undefined custom time format based on momentjs.format(format) (uses author timestamp)
${time.from} No - - format based on momentjs.fromNow() (uses author timestamp)
${time.c_ago} No - - displays an estimation of how long ago the committer committed (e.g. 10 hours ago, 20 days ago, 4 months ago)
${time.c_custom,format} No format undefined custom time format based on momentjs.format(format) (uses committer timestamp)
${time.c_from} No - - format based on momentjs.fromNow() (uses committer timestamp)

Planned Features

Known Issues