
Simple implementation of jump script (bookmarks directories across the file system for fast cd)

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simple implementation of jump script, bookmarks directories across the file system for fast cd.


  • Clone the repository:

      git clone https://github.com/michelesr/jump/
  • Add the source instruction to your .bashrc or .zshrc and create .bookmarks dir on your home:

      # add this to shell rc
      source /path-of-jump-repo/jump  
      #  create dir
      mkdir -p ~/.bookmarks           
  • If you use zsh you may want to add autocompletion... to do this copy _jump to a folder that is included in fpath or add _jump directory to fpaths ... check fpath on .zshenv

      # add your functions directory inside fpath
      fpath=($fpath path/to/_jump/directory/) 
      typeset -U fpath
  • You may have to force rebuild zcompdump:

      rm -f ~/.zcompdump; compinit


  • Cd to a directory and mark it as 'foo':

      cd Project/jump 
      mark foo
  • Jump to bookmark:

      jump foo
  • Remove bookmark:

      unmark foo

zsh completion

    $ jump <PRESS TAB>
    foo  -- /home/michele/Projects/jump
    is   -- /home/michele/Projects/web_project
    pj   -- /home/michele/Projects