Ansible Qlik Enterprise Manager

Ansible role to automate Qlik (former Attunity) resource management.


This Ansible role provides a way to automate the interactions with Qlik Enterprise Manager API to manage the servers, endpoints and tasks.

The ansible module requires Python 3.


You can use ansible galaxy to install the role in the $ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH or use the --roles-path flag to change the destination.

ansible-galaxy install qlik.enterprise-manager

Otherwise you can use git submodule system to install locally the role. Given ./lib a folder in your Ansible project containing 3rd-party roles, you can run the following command:

git submodule add <url> ./lib/qlik.enterprise-manager

Be sure you configured properly the role search path. Here you have an example for the mentionned ./lib

roles_path = roles:lib


You need to import the role

- hosts: localhost[0]
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
  - role: qlik.enterprise-manager # load the Ansible Qlik Enterprise


See the bundled Modules Documentation

Generating documentation

To generate the documentation you need to install jinja2 (pip install jinja2). Use the following command line to generate

python3 ./doc/

It generates the file.


This is a workflow that suits our needs and organization, feel free to adapt it.

  1. As a developer I use a dev environment to define endpoints and then a task.
  2. Once done, the developer exports the task with endpoints to generate a JSON file
  3. In the task's JSON file, we extract the endpoint definition (located in the databases structure) and we create 1 file per endpoint.
  4. We setup/complete an Ansible playbook to automate the task/endpoint creation/deletion.
  5. The 3 files (task, source and endpoint) are updated to use on Ansible templating (ie {{ myVar }}).
  6. When running Ansible, the standard variable injection system will be build the endpoint/task definition.
  7. Everything is tracked into our Source Code Management System (Git) and

Note: To work nicely, the endpoint names must match the task endpoint definition


Contributions are welcome! If you see an issue or think about a new feature, please create an issue. The best way to make it happen is to help out by submitting a pull request implementing it.

Feel free to ask for clarifications or guidance on how to prepare your pull request directly in Github issues.


Ansible Qlik Enterprise Manager module is Open Source and available under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details. In addition, some parts of this project have their own licenses attached (either in the source files or in a LICENSE file next to them).