- 2
- 4
- 10
#425 opened by jasmin-guven - 0
Reporting a vulnerability
#426 opened by igibek - 39
- 5
- 4
A protein-ligand system for testing
#324 opened by xiki-tempula - 3
Add extra arguments to some functions
#372 opened by cespos - 1
- 3
[BUG] Cannot import BioSimSpace after installation of biosimspace 2023.1.2 using mamba
#421 opened by cespos - 10
[BUG] OSError "It looks like you failed to include a topology file." when reading SDF which doesn't contain redundant bond order information
#419 opened by noahharrison64 - 16
- 12
- 15
- 4
- 7
- 11
BioSimSpace.Align.viewMapping: py3Dmol.view not rendering in Jupyter Notebook
#412 opened by lohedges - 2
Would it be possible to include HiMap as an alternative to LoMap in the generateNetwork method?
#409 opened by DreamCykl - 10
Make _removeDummies() recognise dummy bonds
#407 opened by msuruzhon - 11
Making HMR work with dummies
#405 opened by msuruzhon - 14
OpenFF and AmberTools
#384 opened by lohedges - 12
Problem when converting Gro/Top to Rst7
#404 opened by msuruzhon - 4
Is it possible to add ions to an already solvated system, without adding any more water molecules?
#400 opened by aniketsh - 4
- 1
Storage quota exceeded on the Anaconda cloud
#395 opened by lohedges - 8
- 15
Specify ions during system setup
#369 opened by cespos - 3
Correction for funnel metadynamics
#392 opened by guidsari - 5
Inconsistent Reporting of Dihedral Energies
#391 opened by fjclark - 2
UnboundLocalError when loading Chamber topology file.
#390 opened by TENeary - 13
Paramaterising with openff issues
#389 opened by annamherz - 2
- 1
CI hangs / timeouts
#385 opened by lohedges - 25
- 2
- 2
Coupling groups in Gromacs
#377 opened by cespos - 3
- 1
Align.viewMapping bug?
#364 opened by ZCLIU-2022 - 3
Poor pickling performance on macOS
#360 opened by lohedges - 6
- 3
Modify part of molecule's coordinate
#350 opened by kexul - 33
- 12
__contain__ cannot handle protein
#333 opened by xiki-tempula - 3
Bug in updateMolecule()
#343 opened by msuruzhon - 8
Duplicated atom name
#346 opened by kexul - 3
- 1
Incorrect unit conversion?
#332 opened by xiki-tempula - 2
Inconsistent typing when doing unit conversions
#329 opened by xiki-tempula - 6
Support pow operator for all unit-based types
#326 opened by xiki-tempula - 9
Unit conversion
#325 opened by xiki-tempula