
jQuery wrapper for PeerJS media streams. (Data channels in progress.)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Peer-to-peer video chats built on top of WebRTC, with an easy-to-use jQuery interface.

Support for data calls forthcoming!


This library requires that you also include PeerJS ^0.3.7.

  <!-- Include the scripts in your HTML -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.peerjs.com/0.3.7/peer.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.peer.js"></script>
// Instantiate your videochat element:


options is an optional hash of the following:

  • id: If unspecified, will be automatically generated for you.
  • room
  • hideAllControls: Hide the “End call” and “Room list” elements that are automatically placed in your peer element. If you hide these controls, you’ll need to make calls manually.
  • timeout: milliseconds to wait before giving up on a call/connection.

Advanced options:

  • manualCalls: When a call comes in, you can choose whether or not to accept it if manualCalls is enabled.
  • hideOwnVideo: Hide your own video from the display.
  • chatroulette: If true, existing call will end automatically when someone else calls.
  • endCallText: Custom text for the “End call” display.
  • answerCallText: Custom text for the “Answer call” display. This display is only shown if manualCalls is enabled.

Making calls manually:

// Instantiate your videochat element and call a peer (`id`) in your room manually:
$(#my-videochat-element’).peer([options]).peer(‘call’, id);

call is just one of many available methods.

Other available methods:

  • call
  • endCall
  • answerCall
  • connect (WIP)
  • endConnection (WIP)


  • peer.data
  • peer.call