Proxy APP to Import CSV to CartoDB

Directions to Install Manually with Heroku

  1. Create an account with Heroku

  2. Download node.js. Verify that node is installed on your machine with the node command in Terminal. If you don't get an error, it's installed! You can exit the node process with Ctrl+c. You can run the app locally using the command node app.js

  3. Download and install the Heroku Toolbelt, which will give you the Heroku Command Line Interface.

  4. Download this repo and navigate to the folder with Terminal

  5. Run npm install to get all required libraries. Run npm install through2 to install through2 module.

  6. Login to Heroku

heroku login

You will be prompted to enter your credentials.

  1. Setup a Git repository and your Heroku app
git init
git add .
git commit -m "init commit"
  1. Create the Heroku app
heroku create
  1. With your heroku app set-up, you can rename it.
heroku rename your-new-name

Your app will now be available at

  1. Deploy your app
git push heroku master
  1. Open your app with the command:
heroku open
  1. You may need to deploy dynos to run your app if your app is asleep:
heroku ps:scale web=0
  1. If your app crashes, restart it:
heroku restart
  1. To view logs for your app (and to see any error messages):
heroku logs --tail

See more information on running a Node.js Heroku app here