
Schrodinger Hackathon

Primary LanguageHTML

Schrodinger SciInfo

Schrodinger SciInfo is a platform aimed at supporting Schrodinger affiliates with non-biochemistry backgrounds to learn important discipline-specific information on the job.

Key Points

Interactivity: Allows users to display non-technical information about a compound from its SMILE representation

No Re-Inventing the Wheel: Built on an existing demo that we recognized could be repurposed effectively

Made for a General Audience: Mintains lay-language and includes features like a key term glossary and Q&A forum


Home Page (molecule search): Retrieve information about a compound from its SMILE representation

Key Term Glossary: Look up key biochem terms you may hear around Schrodinger

Q&A Platform: Ask and answer questions from fellow affiliates

Future Directions

Enable search on common names of molecules as opposed to SMILEs (to better meet the needs of biochem novices)

Include reference to periodic table for element characters used in SMILEs

Add page/section about SMILE syntax (ex.: = → double bond, C → Carbon, etc.)

SciInfo was developed during the 2024 Schrodinger Hacking the Gender Stack Hackathon.

Created by: Michelle Cheng, Joey Cheng, Michelle Lee, Nyjur Majok, Eden Shaveet