Group member(s):

Michelle Cheng (me)


This repository is the server (back-end) starter code for Final Project (CRUD Application).

client code:


  • Install PostgreSQL (Postgres) [link] - required to run the database
  • Install Postman [link] - optional tool for API testing

Use the following steps to set up and run the server (back-end) application on your local machine

  1. Download the GitHub repository ZIP file to your local machine and unzip it.
  2. Start a terminal (e.g., Git Bash) on your local machine.
  3. Go into the "sever-starter-code" folder, enter the command to install dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the server application by entering the command: npm start
  5. After the server application is successfully started, its access address is at: http://localhost:5000