Collection of TypeScript type challenges


High-quality types can help improving projects' maintainability while avoiding potential bugs.

There are a bunch of awesome type utility libraries may boosting your works on types, like ts-toolbelt, utility-types, SimplyTyped, etc, which you can already use.

This project is aimed at helping you better understand how the type system works, writing your own utilities, or just having fun with the challenges.


There are typescript test cases setup for each challenge. Complete as many challenges as possible. You can check your work with:

yarn tsc


Click the following badges to see details of the challenges.

13・Hello World

4・Pick 7・Readonly 11・Tuple to Object 14・First of Array 18・Length of Tuple 43・Exclude 189・Awaited 268・If 533・Concat 898・Includes

2・Get Return Type 3・Omit 8・Readonly 2 9・Deep Readonly 10・Tuple to Union 12・Chainable Options 15・Last of Array 16・Pop 20・Promise.all 62・Type Lookup 106・Trim Left 108・Trim 110・Capitalize 116・Replace 119・ReplaceAll 191・Append Argument 296・Permutation 298・Length of String 459・Flatten 527・Append to object 529・Absolute 531・String to Union 599・Merge 610・CamelCase 612・KebabCase 645・Diff 949・AnyOf

17・Currying 1 55・Union to Intersection 57・Get Required 59・Get Optional 89・Required Keys 90・Optional Keys 112・Capitalize Words 114・CamelCase 147・C-printf Parser 223・IsAny 270・Typed Get 300・String to Number 399・Tuple Filter 472・Tuple to Enum Object 545・printf 553・Deep object to unique 651・Length of String 2 730・Union to Tuple 847・String Join 956・DeepPick

5・Get Readonly Keys 151・Query String Parser 216・Slice 274・Integers Comparator 462・Currying 2 476・Sum 517・Multiply 697・Tag 734・Inclusive Range 741・Sort 869・DistributeUnions 925・Assert Array Index

Recommended Readings


