
Donald Trump, Super Predator

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Donald Trump, Super Predator

Chronicling the many examples in which Donald Trump has acted like a horrific person.

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Sexual Predator:

  • Jokes about fucking his own daughter (source)
  • Ex-wife claimed that he brutally raped her (source)
  • Cheated on his first wife by sleeping with much younger woman (source)
  • Defends Roger Ailes' sexual harrassment charges (source)
  • Told one woman on national TV that he'd rather see her on her knees (source)
  • Bragged about sleeping with other men's wives (source)
  • Trump-Pence original logo super suggestive of sodomy (source)


  • Used Eminent Domain to seize land from private citizens (source)
  • Kept a book of Hitler's speeches next to his bed (source)
  • Has been linked to the mafia for decades (source)
  • Evidence that he's committed cronyism by promising political appointments for endorsements, a felony violation of election laws (source)
  • Failed to pay $30 million in taxes for casinos in NJ, appeared to receive special treatment from Chris Christie (source)
  • Called for the bombing of the families of suspected terrorists
  • Praised infamous dictators Saddam Hussein, Putin, Mussolini
  • Gloats about abusing the rigged poltical system
  • Encouraged supporters to punch protestors, promised to pay legal fees
  • Hinted that someone should shoot Hillary Clinton

History of Fraud:

  • Well documented history of repeatedly lying (source)
  • Under investigation for alleged fraudulent Trump University scam (source)
  • Well documented record of taking the opposite stance on most of the issues he campaigns on now (source)
  • Trump Network and ACN, two of Trump's failed ventures, have been classic pyramid schemes (source)
  • 3,500 outstanding lawusits against him from former business partners
  • Very deceptive about net worth, refuses to publish tax returns, unlike all other candidates

Blatant Rascism:

  • Department of Justice found guilty & fined him for not renting to black people (source)
  • Encouraged endorsement from KKK wizard David Duke (source)
  • More than half of his retweets are white supremacists praising him (source)
  • Called Mexican immigrants rapists
  • Said federal judge was unfit to try his case because he was Mexican


  • Attacks outsourced labor while profiting from it (source)
  • Hires foreign workers over American workers for the Trump Organization (source)
  • Anchor-husband to his immigrant wife, who may have moved to America illegally


  • Attacked mother of dead military hero, said she wasn't allowed to talk
  • Called John McCain a loser for getting captured and taken prisoner as a soldier
  • Called for an end of defending American allies, upholding NATO promises
  • Employs Putin-puppet PR consultant as head of campaign
  • Encouraged Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State emails

General Assholery:

  • Defended "Trump was right" men who peed on and broke ribs of sleeping homeless man in Boston (source)
  • Trump's own 12-year-old son shouted at him: "you just love your money" (source)
  • Got in a fight with the Pope
  • Insinuated Megyn Kelly wasn't fit to host debate because she was on her period, after she called him out for previous on the record statements calling women "fat pigs," "slobs," and "disgusting animals"
  • Claim to fame is firing people on TV, enjoys ruining their livelihoods
  • Called for shooting Muslims with bullets dipped in pigs blood
  • Championed the Obama-birther movement, long after the issue was settled by the State of Hawaii
  • Instigated rumor that Ted Cruz' father helped assassinate JFK
  • Made much of his wealth from running gambling businesses
  • Donald Trump would be the first President to have made money off of a strip club

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