
Extract PL/SQL codebase from Oracle Forms applications

Primary LanguageJava

Oracle Forms PL/SQL Extractor


This command-line gives the ability to extract PL/SQL source code from Oracle Forms. You can then feed SonarQube with the extracted PL/SQL source code.


Latest version is 1.1, released on 14 May 2014



This extractor uses the Oracle JDAPI library that is included in the Oracle Developer Suite. Therefore a full installation of the Oracle Developer Suite is required. Once installed, check that the environment is correctly set:

The "PATH" environment variable must contain the Oracle Developer Suite paths, for example: PATH=C:/OracleDevSuite/jlib;C:/OracleDevSuite/bin;

Use Java 1.6 or higher to run Sonar Forms PLSQL Extractor.

How to Execute

Download the JAR file then execute:

set FORMS_PATH=C:\forms_project
java -DinputDir=C:\forms_project -DoutputDir=C:\extracted_plsql -cp C:\path\to\sonar-forms-plsql-extractor-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar;C:\path\to\oracle\forms\java\frmjdapi.jar org.sonar.oracleforms.plsql.PlSqlExtractor


  • The optional property formsExtensions is a comma-separated list of extensions of Oracle Forms files to extract. Its default value is fmb,mmb,olb,pll.
  • The output directory, as set by the outputDir property, must exist and is not cleaned up. Generated files override existing ones.


Q : I'm getting "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class oracle.forms.jdapi.Jdapi" whilst my env variables and paths are correctly configured, why ?

A : Oracle Developer Suite used to perform the extraction is available only for x32 OS. As a consequence, the Oracle Forms PL/SQL Extractor will work only on x32 OS.

How to Build Sources Build Status

The Java library frmjdapi is provided by the Oracle Developer Suite (see forms/java/frmjdapi.jar) and must be installed into the Maven repository :

mvn install:install-file  -Dfile=/path/to/frmjdapi.jar -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=frmjdapi -Dversion=10.0 -Dpackaging=jar

Then simply execute the following command. It does not require Oracle Developer Suite on the box:

mvn clean install

Medium tests are executed when enabling the profile "runMediumTests". Note that it requires the Oracle Dev Suite on the box:

mvn clean install -PrunMediumTests
