
Test Automation framework that works well with BDD environment. It supports CLuecumber report for every test automation it generates.

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Test Automation Framework for BDD Enviroment

Test Automation framework that works well with BDD environment. It supports CLuecumber report for every test automation it generates. It supports multiple browser selection and parallel testing.

Execution Triggers

The test can be triggered with following commands:

mvn test

Specified teests can be triggered with following commands:

mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @smoke"

Specified tests with specified browser can be triggered with following commands:

mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @smoke" -Dbrowser="chrome"

Supported browser:

Browser Options String
Google Chrome -Dbrowser="chrome"
Mozilla Firefox -Dbrowser="firefox"
Ms Edge -Dbroswer="edge"

Generating the Report

After the test execution, you can generate CluClumber Test Report by executing following maven command.

mvn cluecumber-report:reporting

Example Report:
