
Sample of how to develop & deploy text classification models using Azure ML package for Text Analytics and Team Data Science Process (TDSP

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Use word embeddings to predict Twitter sentiment following Team Data Science Process & AML Package for Text Analytics

Link to the Microsoft Docs site

Documentation that walks you through this example is available at:


Link to the project report

The project report in TDSP template is here: https://github.com/Azure/MachineLearningSamples-AMLTextPackage-TwitterSentimentPrediction/blob/master/docs/deliverable_docs/ProjectReport.md

Link to the Gallery GitHub repository

The public GitHub repository for this example contains all the code samples: https://github.com/Azure/MachineLearningSamples-AMLTextPackage-TwitterSentimentPrediction


Sentiment analysis is a widely research topic in the Natural Language Processing domain. It has the applications in consumer reviews mining, public opinion mining and advertisement on online forums. Many of the sentiment analysis approaches use handcrafted features but the popularity of unsupervised and semi supervised approached to generate word embeddings have made these embedding techniques an important way to generate features. In this sample we are going to demonstrate the usage of Word Embedding algorithm Word2Vec to predict sentiment polarity. Word2Vec word features are used as input into logistic regression or convolutional neural networks to produce the final sentiment classification models. This end-to-end process is implemented in Azure Machine Learning Workbench using Azure Machine Learning Package for Text Analytics and Team Data Science Process (TDSP).


The aim of this sample is to highlight how to use Azure Machine Learning package for Text Analytics and Team Data Science Process (TDSP) to predict the sentiment of Twitter text data. Here are the key points addressed:

  • Train a Word2Vec embeddings model
  • Use Word2Vec embeddings in Logistic Model and Keras CNN classification models
  • Persist and deploy models as web service in Azure Container Services (AKS)

Description of project: Twitter sentiment polarity classification

This article uses a sample to show you how to instantiate and execute a Machine Learning project. The sample uses the TDSP structure and templates in Azure Machine Learning Workbench. The complete sample is provided in this walkthrough. The modeling task predicts sentiment polarity (positive or negative) by using the text from tweets. This article outlines the data-modeling tasks that are described in the walkthrough. The walkthrough covers the following tasks:

  1. Data exploration, training, and deployment of a machine learning model that address the prediction problem that's described in the use case overview. Twitter sentiment data is used for these tasks.
  2. Execution of the project by using the TDSP template from Azure Machine Learning for this project. For project execution and reporting, the TDSP lifecycle is used.
  3. Operationalization of the solution directly from Azure Machine Learning in Azure Container Service.

The project highlights the use of Text Analytics Package for Azure Machine Learning.

For code samples, click the View Project icon on the right and visit the project GitHub repository.

Key components needed to run this example:


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