hashing password poc

Setup and running

First, you'll need to run docker-compose to run both app and database:

docker-compose up

After it's finished, run on another terminal, the command to run the migrations:

docker-compose run app npm run migrate

And that's it for the setup.

How to test?

Seeing the data on the database

It's better to see directly from the database, so it would be the same thing as a hacker would see. To connect to the database, you can run:

psql postgres://user:pass@localhost:35432/hashing-password-poc

After that, you can see how the passwords are being stored on the users table:

SELECT * FROM users;

And the result should be somehing like this:

 id |     email      | password | salt |         createdAt          |         updatedAt
  1 | email@mail.com | password |      | 2021-03-21 19:32:00.808+00 | 2021-03-21 19:32:00.808+00

Saving data on the database

To save password and see how they are stored, you can make a request with the following body (simulating an user sing-in):

  "email": "email@mail.com",
  "password": "password"

The path will depend on which method of encryption you'll want to use:

POST /{plain | md5 | sha256 | salt | pepper}

A curl request, as an example, would be as this:

curl -X POST \
  -d '{"email": "email@mail.com", "password": "password"}' \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \

NOTE: Remember to send the Content-Type: application/json header

Why do we need all of this?

Well... I'm sure some people have already talked about this: