
EncryptStorage provide a little more security in frontend

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OBS: This is the new version of Encrypt Storage, it has breaking changes that will not be described below. For version 1.3.X documentation, access this link.

The Encrypt Storage is a wrapper for native Storage of browser.

Using the crypto-js library as an encryption engine, it saves the encrypted data on the selected storage in the same way as the native Storage.

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⚠️ IMPORTANT: Nothing on the front end is entirely secure. The library's proposal is to make it difficult for the user to see the data through the console, but as the secret key is on the front end, if the user searches hard enough, he will end up finding it. Just to make it clear that nothing is completely secure on the front end. Thank you for your attention.


  • Save encrypted data in localStorage and sessionStorage
  • Recover encrypted data with get functions
  • Use in the same way as native Web Storage (localStorage and sessionStorage)
  • If you use the stateManagementUse option, the data acquired in get functions will not have their return transformed into Javascript objects.
  • Use with stateManagement persisters (vuex-persist and redux-persist*)


To run this project in the development mode, you'll need to have a basic environment with NodeJs and Yarn installed.

Using npm:

$ npm install encrypt-storage

Or yarn:

$ yarn add encrypt-storage

Using CDNs:


  <!-- ...after other codes -->
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/encrypt-storage@latest/dist/index.js"></script>
    const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value');

OBS: Unpkg doesn't have a counter badge

JS Delivery:

  <!-- ...after other codes -->
  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/encrypt-storage@latest/dist/index.js"></script>
    const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value');


The options object is optional and consists of the following properties:

Property name Default Type required
prefix '' string false
storageType localStorage StorageType false
encAlgorithm AES EncAlgorithm false
notifyHandler undefined NotifyHandler false
stateManagementUse false boolean false
doNotEncryptValues false boolean false
doNotParseValues false boolean false



Create a file containing the EncryptStorage instance in a utils folder or folder of your choice. It is recommended to use it as a singleton for better use of the library.

Directory Layout

📦 src
 ┣ 📂 utils
 ┃ ┗ 📜 storage.ts
 ┗ 📜 index.ts


secretKey: required = A string containing at least 10 characters;

NOTE: If you are using a SPA model (vue, react or angular) prefer to store this information in your application's .env file.

options: optional = An object as described above and which will be shown below;


const { EncryptStorage } = require('encrypt-storage');

// Example of secret_key variable in an .env file
// const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage(process.env.SECRET_KEY, options);
const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', options);

module.exports = encryptStorage;

JS Import (ES6+)

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

// Example of secret_key variable in an .env file
// const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage(process.env.SECRET_KEY, options);
export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', options);

Multiple instances

To use multiple instances, it is strictly necessary to pass the prefix to all of them. As shown below:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage1 = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  prefix: '@instance1',

export const encryptStorage2 = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  prefix: '@instance2',

encryptStorage1.setItem('any-key', 'any-value');
encryptStorage2.setItem('any-key', 'any-value');

in your storage:

Key Value
@instance1:any-key U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
@instance2:any-key U2FsdGVkX1/w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw2KEwOH+...

Options implementation


default '' - is optional and is the prefix of all keys used in the selected storage as shown below:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  prefix: '@example',


default localStorage - is the type of storage that will be used, at the moment only localStorage and sessionStorage are allowed:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  storageType: 'sessionStorage',


NOTE: This property is also required for completely identical use to the browser's native. Therefore, it will not have the native library behavior when parsing data to javascript objects or type casting such as 'true' being a boolean, '2' being a number, etc.

default false - is a boolean value that, when true allows the use of it with vuex-persist and redux-persist:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  stateManagementUse: true,


default AES - Is the selected encryption algorithm.:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  encAlgorithm: 'Rabbit',


default false - This option NOT encrypt values, but use those options like prefix our multiple-instances.:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  doNotEncryptValues: true,


default false - This option NOT parse values, but use those options like prefix our multiple-instances.:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  doNotParseValues: true,

encryptStorage.setItem('key', JSON.stringfy({ name: 'John Doe' }));

const value = JSON.parse(encryptStorage.getItem('key')); // { name: 'John Doe' }

NOTE: This option does not JSON.stringify or JSON.parse the data, making return typing useless or unnecessary. This is similar to standard browser behavior.


default undefined - is a function that is called every time another EncryptStorage function is called. Good for logging API and monitoring localStorage/sessionStorage.:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  notifyHandler: (params: NotifyHandlerParams) => console.info({ params }),


  params: {
    type: 'get'
    key: 'any-key',
    value: 'any-value',
    index: 1,

OBS: Check NotifyHandlerParams for more information.


From here, we will have the following code as the EncryptStorage instance model:

import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  prefix: '@example',


Add key and encrypted value to selected storage.

encryptStorage.setItem('token', 'edbe38e0-748a-49c8-9f8f-b68f38dbe5a2');

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
@example:token-not-encrypted edbe38e0-748a-49c8-9f8f-b68f38dbe5a2


Add keys and encrypted values to selected storage.

  ['token', 'edbe38e0-748a-49c8-9f8f-b68f38dbe5a2'],
      id: '123456',
      name: 'John Doe',

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
@example:user U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*\afcb...


Returns the value decrypted or undefined by the key passed by parameter. Default type is any;

NOTE: It is possible to pass a generics (typescript case) to obtain a consistent and typed return for better use in the typescript.

const value = encryptStorage.getItem<T = any>('token');
const value2 = encryptStorage.getItem<T = any>('token-not-encrypted', true);

result of getItem:

const value = 'edbe38e0-748a-49c8-9f8f-b68f38dbe5a2';
const value2 = 'edbe38e0-748a-49c8-9f8f-b68f38dbe5a2';


Returns the key value pairs decrypted or undefined by the keys passed by parameter.;

const value = encryptStorage.getMultipleItems(['token', 'user', 'any-key']);

result of getMultipleItems:

const value = {
  token: 'edbe38e0-748a-49c8-9f8f-b68f38dbe5a2',
  user: {
    id: '123456',
    name: 'John Doe',
  'any-key': undefined,


Remove item from selected storage.

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...

now in your storage:

Key Value


Remove items from selected storage.

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
@example:user U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
encryptStorage.removeMultipleItems(['token', 'user']);

now in your storage:

Key Value


Returns an object containing the original keys (no prefix) and decrypted values or undefined when no value found.

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:fruit:apple U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIc
@example:fruit:grape U2FsdGVkX1/yq5521ZXB5pqw
@example:vegetable:lettuce U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*\afcb
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
const values = encryptStorage.getItemFromPattern('fruit');

result of getItemFromPattern:

const values = {
  'fruit:apple': 'apple',
  'fruit:grape': 'grape',


Removes all items that have the pattern passed by parameter from the selected storage.

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:fruit:apple U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIc
@example:fruit:grape U2FsdGVkX1/yq5521ZXB5pqw
@example:vegetable:lettuce U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*\afcb
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...

now in your storage:

Key Value
@example:vegetable:lettuce U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*\afcb
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...


Returns the key corresponding to the index passed by parameter or null.

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:vegetable:lettuce U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*\afcb
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
const key = encryptStorage.key(0);

result of key:



Returns the amount of values from the selected storage.

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:vegetable:lettuce U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*\afcb
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...
const length = encryptStorage.length;

result of length:



Removes all keys and values from the selected storage.

in your storage:

Key Value
@example:vegetable:lettuce U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*\afcb
@example:token U2FsdGVkX1/2KEwOH+w4QaIcyq5521ZXB5pqw...

now in your storage:

Key Value


Encrypts a string passed by parameter.

const value = encryptStorage.encryptString('John Doe');

result of encryptString:

const value = 'U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*afcb';


Decrypts a string passed by parameter.

const value = encryptStorage.decryptString('U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*afcb');

result of decryptString:

const value = 'John Doe';


Encrypts a value passed by parameter.

const value = encryptStorage.encryptValue({
  id: '123456',
  name: 'John Doe',

result of encryptValue:

const value = 'U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*afcb';


Decrypts a string passed by parameter.

// Using typescript
interface User {
  id: string;
  name: string;

const value = encryptStorage.decryptValue<User>('U2FsdGVkX1/tT67hnb*afcb');

result of decryptValue:

const value = {
  id: '123456',
  name: 'John Doe',


Encrypts a string passed by parameter with SHA256 encryptation.

const value = encryptStorage.hash('John Doe');

result of hashed value:

const value =


Encrypts a string passed by parameter with MD5 encryptation.

const value = encryptStorage.md5Hash('John Doe');

result of hashed value:

const value = '284e512750fb7d41f1cc5284a2c56a13';


When used in NextJS, validation must be done.


// utils/storage.(ts|js)
import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

const encryptStorage = (): EncryptStorage | null => {
  const isInClientSide =
    typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window?.self !== 'undefined';

  if (isInClientSide) {
    return new EncryptStorage(
      // options,

  return null;


'use client';
import { encryptStorage } from '../utils/storage.ts';

// ...rest of code
encryptStorage()?.setItem('any-key', { name: 'John Doe', age: 40 });


EncryptStorage can also be used asynchronously, simply using its corresponding version already exported by the library.

NOTE: This functionality has its usefulness revealed in the context of redux-persist, shown below.


import { AsyncEncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new AsyncEncryptStorage('secret-key-value', options);

async function getDecryptedValue('key'): Promise<any | undefined> {
  const value = await encryptStorage.getItem('key');

AWS Amplify

In the case of aws-amplify, if you want to use the facility of not needing to use JSON.parse in the rest of the application, prefer to create an instance within the amplify configuration file, as follows:

import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
import { EncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

const encryptStorage = new EncryptStorage('secret-key-value', {
  stateManagementUse: true,


  Auth: {
    storage: encryptStorage,

State Management Persisters

This library can be used to encrypt data from state management persisters like vuex-persist, redux-persist and pinia-plugin-persist. Below are their respective implementations:

NOTE: the stateManagementUse option must be used in the EncryptStorage instance to work correctly.


import VuexPersistence from 'vuex-persist';

import { encryptStorage } from 'path/to/encryptStorage';

const vuexLocal = new VuexPersistence<RootState>({
  storage: encryptStorage,


// ...
import { AsyncEncryptStorage } from 'encrypt-storage';

export const encryptStorage = new AsyncEncryptStorage('secret-key-value', options);

const persistConfig = {
  key: 'root',
  storage: encryptStorage,
  whitelist: ['navigation'],


// ...
import { encryptStorage } from 'path/to/encryptStorage';

export const useUserStore = defineStore('storeUser', {
  state() {
    return {
      firstName: 'S',
      lastName: 'L',
      accessToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  persist: {
    enabled: true,
    strategies: [
        storage: encryptStorage,
        paths: ['accessToken'],


import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { encryptStorage } from 'path/to/encryptStorage';

export const useStore = defineStore('store', {
  state: () => ({
    return: {
      first: 'John',
      last: 'Doe',
      accessToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'.
  persist: {
    storage: encryptStorage,
    paths: ['accessToken'],


MIT License