Python CFFI wrapper around libbladeRF
To start you'll need to have build and installed libbladeRF. See the nuand docs for that. You'll need a device too.
On ubuntu, you'll need some packages to build pybladeRF:
python-dev libffi-dev python-virtualenv
Source the 'bootstrap' script to create a local virtual environment where you can use the library.
If you want to run the tests, do 'python test'
See the tests directory for some example usage of the python API.
The pybladeRF package installs some command line tools.
pyblade-rx: An I/Q receiver, writes to file or stdout
pyblade-tx: An I/Q transmitter, reads from file or stdin
pyblade-repeater: A repeater, everything that is received is retransmitted.
Check out the tools package for source code, all 3 programs use the asynchronous streaming API.