A curated list of games that can teach you how to learn a programming language.
- a24ibrahUniversity of Waterloo
- AegleThemis
- BayoAdejareUndefined
- chetandhembre@getloconow
- cmmata@MeetingLawyers
- damianoamatrudaItaly
- dsoul
- hejun442001
- hkocam
- jasubalilladelsbous
- jeanescotoNew York
- jhcloos
- jmichelsenUtah
- kixxBlueMatrix
- Lawri-van-BuelCarapax IT
- mhallxyzmhall.xyz ltd
- mihaimaruseacGoogle
- mkipcakING
- moki9
- netuscoNew Relic
- NtcWaiHanoi, VietNam
- nvelkavrhWhittier College
- p15e
- Rithdoc
- robertito13QKStudio
- Rubeel
- s15hS15H
- sadiqmmmAzad Labs
- scshepard
- shaunidiot
- sorinstanilaBerlin
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- timiTaoPoland
- trycatcher
- vladisacTimisoara, Romania
- williams55