
A Jquery plugin to automatically create a form, setting parameters as a hash

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Form Json Post


  • Jquery 2.0 +
  • http-server like apache to run test


Download the plugin: [Link]https://github.com/michelpm1/formjson-post/blob/master/src/formJsonPost.js Add the script to your project.

<script src = '/patch/formJsonPost.js'></script>


Automatic create your form with a post request passing settings as a hash of parameters


Set a document.ready() and fill your options. Select with Jquery a html attribute to put the form inside, run the function postForm(options).


<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
	options = { 'url':'#', 'token':'62bb61431348e22850828a5829c4373faafe29c1', 'secret':'51a266c2844ccd5cac83d88de88d82d05358aa51', 'fields': { 'estado':['PR','SC','SP','RS'], 'nível':['Iniciante','Intermediário','Avançado','Ninja'] } };
Param Type Description
options.url string The url you want to post
options.secret string Here you can set your secret
opts.token string Here you set your token
opts.fields json The fields parameter is where you set your adicional fields (checkbox and input accepted) you can follow the usage example to add your fields


Automatic Jasmine

Download the project: [Link]https://github.com/michelpm1/formjson-post Host the project to a http-server

Using your prompt inside project folder run:

    npm install
    npm install -g jasmine

For test go to the tests folder and run:



Download the project: [Link]https://github.com/michelpm1/formjson-post Host the project to a http-server Using your prompt inside project folder run:

    npm install

In your browser go to:

This page is using the plugin and have a mock ajax (backend simulator) if you send a post, it respond with 200 and 500. for more details access:


obs: don't forget to host your files at a http-server like apache