My list of useful links on swift, software engineering, project management
- swiftbysundell
- swiftrocks
- nshipster
- hackingwithswift
- Swift with Majid
- iOS Dev Weekly
- Midnight Swift
- Martin Fowler - TestPyramid
- Martin Fowler - UnitTest
- Martin Fowler - Mocks Arent Stubs
- Martin Fowler - Microservice Testing
- Engineering for Testability
- Testing Tips & Tricks
- Keeping Software Soft - Gerard Meszaros
- iOS Unit Testing by Example
- Practical Protocol-Oriented-Programming
- Build Failed Podcast: 5 - Testes
- Automatizando Testes Nativos para iOS com o XCTest
- UI Testing in Swift with XCTest framework
- Testing error code paths in Swift
- The Cycles of TDD
- Como funciona uma piramide de testes
- Creating a Swift 5.2 Executable with Unit Tests
- Test Doubles (Mocks, Stubs, Fakes, Spies e Dummies)
- MultipeerKit - Rambo
- BerkananLite - Mensageiro BLT
- iOS-BestFall - Victor
- straw - Push on simulator
- create-dmg
- Documentation tool
- Panels - sliding panels
- Skeleton
- Awesome macOS open source applications
- SwiftUIRouter
- ios-monorepo
- deep-linking
- NavigationEngineDemo
- Scaling ios Uber
- Clean Architecture for SwiftUI
- How to make solid iOS architecture decisions and pass iOS interviews | iOS Dev Live Mentoring
- Grand Central Dispatch
- Swift — What is the Optional Binding? (?/!)
- Optional Chaining
- Ignoring invalid JSON elements when using Codable
- Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
- Distributing Binary Frameworks as Swift Packages
- Reducers in Swift
- Develop Apps for iOS - 12hr 15min Estimated Time
- Modeling app state using Store objects in SwiftUI
- Redux-like state container in SwiftUI. Connectors
- SnapCarousel.swift
- How Swift 5.3 enhances SwiftUI’s DSL
- SwiftUI Discover - swiftbysundell
- Writing testable code when using SwiftUI
- jummper
- Beginner's guide to Server side Swift using Vapor 4
- jumpper
- Server side Swift projects inside Docker using Vapor 4
- Introducing Swift AWS Lambda Runtime
- Swift AWS Lambda Runtime
- Building Swift Serverless REST API with AWS Lambda & DynamoDB
- AWS Lambda Tutorial for Swift: Getting Started
- Create an API in Swift and Deploy It to AWS Lambda
- Swift Server ErrorHandling example Lambda
- Soto is a Swift language SDK for Amazon Web Services (AWS
- Building a Raspberry Pi Hadoop / Spark Cluster
- Vamos transformar os seus Raspberry PI num cluster
- Creating an Apache Spark Cluster with Raspberry Pi Workers
- Build Raspberry Pi Hadoop/Spark Cluster from scratch