extract it to tera-proxy/mods/
DO NOT INSTALLED IT AS "library-master" MAKE SURE IT'S NAMED "library"
需要libray模组依赖 下载解压放入 proxy/mods文件夹目录注意重命名为:library
Note: All commands starts with "guide"
["guide, module on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide gui, show module GUI", "PRMSG"],
["guide voice, text-to-speech (TTS) messages on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide lNotice, send notices to chat instead of screen messages on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide gNotice, send messages to party chat channel on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide male~female, to settings TTS speech voice gender (if available)", "PRMSG"],
["guide 1~10, to settings TTS speech rate", "PRMSG"],
["guide spawnObject, spawn marker objects on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide stream, streamer mode (hiding messages and objects) on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide dungeons, list of all supported dungeons", "PRMSG"],
["verbose id, send notices for specified dungeon on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide spawnObject id, spawn marker objects for specified dungeon on/off", "PRMSG"],
["guide cr, message color is RED", "CRMSG"],
["guide co, message color is ORANGE", "COMSG"],
["guide cy, message color is YELLOW", "CYMSG"],
["guide cg, message color is GREEN", "CGMSG"],
["guide cdb, message color is DARK BLUE", "CDBMSG"],
["guide cb, message color is BLUE", "CBMSG"],
["guide cv, message color is VIOLET", "CVMSG"],
["guide cp, message color is PINK", "CPMSG"],
["guide clp, message color is LIGHT PINK", "CLPMSG"],
["guide clb, message color is LIGHT BLUE", "CLBMSG"],
["guide cbl, message color is BLACK", "CBLMSG"],
["guide cgr, message color is GRAY", "CGRMSG"],
["guide cw, message color is WHITE", "CWMSG"],
proxy频道输入:補助 help,获取更多使用信息。
安塔洛斯深渊 AANM | All bosses
空洞的安塔洛斯深渊 AAHM | All bosses
空洞的安塔洛斯深渊7人 AAHM 7man
RK9-机库 RK9 NM
困难RK9-机库 RK9 HM
贝里克神殿 Velik's Sanctuary NM
坍塌的贝里克神殿 Velik's Sanctuary HM
泰内布利斯城堡上/下/7人 Dark Reach Citadel (5 man NM, HM and 7man)
里安的地下殿堂上/下/7人 Grotto of Lost Souls (5 man NM, HM and 7man)
費爾奎娜巢穴上/下 Parquina's Nest (Gossamers Vault) Normal mode & Hard mode
巴哈勒神殿 Bahaar's Sanctum
殘暴費勒諾的實驗室 Demokron Factory Hard
吹牛王塔勒斯基的遊樂場 Manglemire guide
奧露卡神殿上/下 Bathysmal rise guide
暴風的艾爾凱拉斯號 sky cruiser guide
伯恩斯坦惡靈島上/下 Forsaken Island
超越的拉坎里斯的廢墟 Ruinous Manor (Hard)
岱魔鲁斯的轮盘 (Demon’s Wheel)
貪婪的卡舒帕露峽谷 Rift's Edge (Hard) (10-Person)
贝尔亚克城堡 Akalath Quarantine
金鳞号 Golden Scale (Sailing Instance) Золотая чешуя
狂气竞技场 Forbidden Arena
凯尔赛克隐藏地 Corrupted Skynest
不灭凯尔塞克隐藏地 Corrupted Skynest (Hard) Entrance
司令官修練場 Draakon Arena
憤怒的司令官修練場(TEST ING) Draakon Arena (Hard)
暴走的RK-9機庫 RK-9 Kennel (Hard)
狂氣競技場 [永恆的鬥神] Forbidden Arena [Undying Warlord
狂氣競技場 [不滅的鬥神] Forbidden Arena [Nightmare Undying Warlord]
Add Dungeon for other modules ....