
A test for the tool Cosmos by Astronomer

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

dbt Playground

This repository is a self-contained dbt project that you can run with one click in a Gitpod workspace.

Click the button below to open this repository in a Gitpod:

Open in Gitpod

If the above button doesn't work (depends on your browser), use the one below:

Open in Gitpod


Things to do

  • Open the repo in Gitpod (see above)
  • Run dbt build. This is the same as running dbt seed, dbt run and dbt test.
  • In the SQLTools extension on the left, check out the table(s) and view(s) that dbt created.
  • When editing a model, use the DBT Power User buttons on the top-right, or use shortcuts like ctrl+enter to run the selected text as a query
  • Have fun!