
Web app toy for exploring a variety of different color spaces, including RGB, HSL, CIELAB and more.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Color Space explorer

This toy lets you explore different color spaces by displaying controls for each, and adapting the display of all control sets by the changes made in any one of the controls.

It was built with some abstractions: the meat of the app sits in the AbstractPicker component, which requires you to give it

  1. colorConstructor: A color object constructor function (like rgb or hsl or lab from d3-color)
  2. coordData: A specification of the color coordinates to display, as an object with each key corresponding to one of the coordinates, and each corresponding value an object with entries stepcount (how many colors to compute to make the gradient on the control), scale (optional, a d3-scale object to translate between the representation needed for the color object constructor and the representation needed for the display - if you want the constructor to receive values in [0,1], but want to show percentages, you'd use scale: scaleLinear().domain([0,100]).range([0,1])), and unit (optional, a string suffix used to tag the numeric display)
  3. listKey: A string that lets the module build unique identifiers for the <li> tags to help React keep track of everything under the hood.

With the AbstractPicker built and ready, each additional color space only needs a very short component file that constructs an AbstractPicker with the right props, and an entry in the list of color pickers in index.tsx.

This was built in React.js, using Gatsby.js as a framework (but without using much of the functionality in Gatsby), and with extensive use of d3.js and various additional color libraries built to be compatible with d3-color.