Face Tracking based on KCF

this project is implemented based on the python implementation of uoip from https://github.com/uoip/KCFpy

Documents, videos, demos and some other results can be founded in following google drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1cwJfdr4A45WVdTZzhiMkk0RWM?usp=sharing

In this repo,

  1. /DesignReview includes the reports
  2. /kcf_py includes the src of the project
  3. /kcf_master a c++ version kcf.

**run kcf_py/run.py to run the program

  1. Usage: python run.py will connect to the camera, and python run.py filename will use video file as input
  2. by default using dlib detector. Install RCNN lib and modify kcftracker.py line 7 & 109 to use RCNN dector.
  3. check run.py line 34 for hog features
  4. check branch: mix-ranking for an alternative score function.
  5. check run.py line 94-104 to show trajectory.

Contact: leonhuxf@umich.edu