
Little tool to make a tree out of a page that is vulnerable to directory listing

Primary LanguagePython

Directory Listing Script


This Python script navigates through web server directory listings and optionally saves file details to a CSV file. It's designed to work with directory listings that follow a specific HTML structure typically found on web servers.


  • Navigates through directory listings recursively.
  • Prints directory and file details to the console.
  • Optionally outputs file details (filename, URL, size, and last modified date) to a CSV file.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests library
  • beautifulsoup4 library


Before running the script, ensure you have Python installed and then install the required Python packages:

pip install requests beautifulsoup4


Run the script from the command line, providing the URL of the directory listing:

python directory_listing_tree.py --url "https://example.com/path/to/directory"

To also save the results to a CSV file, add the --csv flag:

python directory_listing_tree.py --url "https://example.com/path/to/directory" --csv


The CSV file will be named after the URL with slashes replaced by underscores.

Cautionary Notes

  • This script disables SSL warnings. Use it only on trusted sites and understand the security implications.
  • Ensure the URL provided does not contain any sensitive or private information, as it's used in the CSV filename.
  • The script assumes a specific HTML structure for the directory listings. It may require adjustments for other structures.
  • Always test the script in a controlled environment before use.


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.




Michael Ritter – @BigM1ke_oNe