
Automate the process of setting the digital vibrance for nvidia connected displays when launching CSGO on Linux

Primary LanguageShell


NVIDIA provides a way to set the 'Digital Vibrance' which improves the contrast for a game where you may gain an advantage such as CS:GO.

Simple Execution

If you want to run the script manually from a terminal in the background you can simply download the scripts and update the PRIMARY_MONITOR value to match your nvidia-settings panel then execute the script with /bin/bash.

If you really want to find this value using command line instead of the GUI then use the following commands:

# Get a list of the GPUs you can choose from. Typically should only be one reasonable choice here
nvidia-settings -q gpus

1 GPU on Nekrogoblikon:0

    [0] Nekrogoblikon:0[gpu:0] (GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER)

      Has the following names:

# Get the displays connected to the GPU (I imagine there's a better way I just haven't found it)
nvidia-settings -L | awk '{print $NF}' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' | uniq | sed 's/[()]//g'

Then pick whichever screen looks the most reasonable. and substitute that into the main script where I have PRIMARY_MONITOR being set

Systemd Service Installation

If you want to enable this program to always be running in the background and start at bootup time via systemd then you can use the following steps.

# You need to enable xhost so the systemd service can communicate properly
echo "xhost +" >> ~/.bashrc

# NOTE: Before copying this file make sure you update the "User" and "ExecStart" fields
sudo cp vibrantcs.service /etc/systemd/system/vibrantcs.service

sudo systemctl start vibrantcs
sudo systemctl enable vibrantcs