Useful Compass/Sass mixins

This is just my personal compilation of useful Compass mixins.

Dependencies: Sass >= 3.2, Compass >= 0.12.2

Important Note

I use mixins which use Compass' image-url() inside of mixins. There's a bug when using Sass 3.2.1 in combination with 0.12.2 which creates wrong image paths in compiled CSS (See Compass issue 989). To fix this just uninstall Sass 3.2.1:

sudo gem uninstall sass

and install the version 3.2.0 alpha 275:

sudo gem install sass -v 3.2.0.alpha.275



File: _clearfix.scss

You can choose between four different clearfix mixins:

  1. clearfix() A.K.A The "Clearfix" hack without backslash hack (
  2. clearfix-hack() original A.K.A The "Clearfix" hack with IE for Mac support (
  3. micro-clearfix() by Nicolas Gallagher (
  4. ym-clearfix() YAML clearfix by Dirk Jesse (

Find an overview on

How to use

Just include the clearfix mixin:

.group {
	@include clearfix();

is compiled to:

.group:after {
	visibility: hidden;
	display: block;
	font-size: 0;
	content: " ";
	clear: both;
	height: 0;
*:first-child+html .group 	{ zoom: 1; } /* IE7 */
* html .group				{ zoom: 1; } /* IE6 */

Or use the extends for multiple classes:

.group {
	@include clearfix();

.my-special-container {
	@extend .group;

	background-color: blue;

is compiled to:

.my-special-container:after {
	visibility: hidden;
	display: block;
	font-size: 0;
	content: " ";
	clear: both;
	height: 0;
*:first-child+html .group,
*:first-child+html .my-special-container	{ zoom: 1; } /* IE7 */
* html .group,
* html .my-special-container				{ zoom: 1; } /* IE6 */

.my-special-container {
	background-color: blue;

Image Replacement

File: _image-replacement.scss

This file includes three different image replacement mixins and two helper mixins for image dimensions.

  1. image-replace() by Nicolas Gallagher (2011) (
  2. image-replace-h5bp() from HTML5 Boilerplate (2012) (
  3. image-replace-indent() The Phark Method (2003)
    Very likely the most widely used method. Problematic in RTL situations (or anywhere text-align isn't left).

Find an overview on

How to use

The text inside your container will be replaced by a css background image, but the text is still readable by screenreaders.

The HTML should look like:

<h1 class="logo">
	Image Replacement Company Logo
.logo {
	@include image-replace();

is compiled to:

.logo {
	font: 0/0 a;
	text-shadow: none;
	color: transparent;
	border: 0;
	background-color: transparent;

Additional arguments (optional)

All three image replacement mixins have three optional arguments:

$image (the image file)

If you want to set the background to a single image, then just set the image filename as the first argument (default = null).

.logo {
	@include image-replace("logo.png");

is compiled to:

.logo {
	font: 0/0 a;
	text-shadow: none;
	color: transparent;
	border: 0;
	background-color: transparent;
	background: transparent url('../../your/compass/image/directory/logo.png?1234567') no-repeat;
	width: 200px;
	height: 120px;

There is no support for Compass sprites in here, yet. This you have to do manually:

$sprites: sprite-map("icon/*.png", $spacing: 20px, $layout: vertical);

.sprites {
	background-image: sprite-url($sprites);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;

.logo {
	@extend .sprites;
	@include image-replace();

	background-position: sprite-position($sprites, logo, 0, 0);
	width: image-width(sprite-file($sprites, logo));
	height: image-height(sprite-file($sprites, logo));

$display (block, inline-block, table etc.)

With the second argument you can define the display mode. This might be useful if your element is an inline element like a span (default = null).

.logo {
	@include image-replace("logo.png", block);

is compiled to:

.logo {
	font: 0/0 a;
	text-shadow: none;
	color: transparent;
	border: 0;
	background-color: transparent;
	dispplay: block;
	background: transparent url('../../your/compass/image/directory/logo.png?1234567') no-repeat;
	width: 200px;
	height: 120px;

You can also use only the second argument by setting the first to null:

.logo {
	@include image-replace(null, block);

$reset-border-background (true or false)

The third argument controls the reset options for borders and the background color (default = true);

.logo {
	@include image-replace("logo.png", null, false);

is compiled to:

.logo {
	font: 0/0 a;
	text-shadow: none;
	color: transparent;
	background: transparent url('../../your/compass/image/directory/logo.png?1234567') no-repeat;
	width: 200px;
	height: 120px;

To do: If the $image argument is set, the background color reset isn't needed as compass sets the background color to transparent by itself.

How to test mixins

If you want to test mixins you can use the test.scss. This file is compiled to css/scss/test.css and included in the index.html. Use Compass or Grunt to compile and watch your changes. Grunt will also lint the main.js JavaScript file.


compass watch


For Grunt you'll need node.js. An installer you can find here:

Install Grunt globally:

sudo npm install -g grunt

Install Grunt modules locally (execude inside the directory "compass-sass"):

npm install

Then you could use the Grunt watch task:
