
instructions for building acl2s with nix

Primary LanguageNix

Installing ACL2s on NixOS

This repository contains instructions for building acl2s on NixOS.

  1. Clone this repository. Make sure that you have nix flakes enabled. Execute all the following shell blocks from the root of this repository.
  2. Clone the following repositories
    git clone https://gitlab.com/acl2s/external-tool-support/scripts ./scripts
    git clone https://github.com/acl2/acl2 ./acl2
    git clone https://gitlab.com/acl2s/proof-checking/hand-proof-checker ./hand-proof-checker
  3. In nix develop, run to build acl2 and acl2s
  4. Make sure symlinks in ./bin fire. If not,
    cd bin
    ln -s ../acl2/saved_acl2 acl2
    ln -s ../acl2s acl2s
    ln -s ../hand-proof-checker/check-file.sh check-proof
    ln -s ../acl2/books/build/cert.pl cert.pl
  5. In nix develop, build the hand proof checker CLI (requires docker and dockerd to be running)
    cd hand-proof-checker/
    make proof-checker-cli # makes the docker image
    make # builds it locally