
Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Authentication with NodeJS, ExpressJS, AngularJS and MongoDB.

The server secures Angular route URL's with the help of JSON Web Tokens (JWT's).

Angular Routes

User creation/logon and Authentication is managed using the following $http routes:

  • post /register : register a username, password, Email
  • post /login : login using username & password
  • get /admin : a route secured using JWT
  • post logout : logout and delete JWT on client

JWT Authentication Process

  • Client sends valid credentials (e.g. username and password) to the Node server over HTTP.
  • Node server authenticates credentials and if ok then creates a JWT using jsonwebtoken.js middleware and sends the JWT to the client.
  • Client stores the token in session storage.
  • The $httpProvider Interceptor code in app.js adds the JWT to the header of each HTTP request to the server (Authorization header).
  • The Node server can then read the token from the client.
  • JWT authentication is added to Express routes using express-jwt.js middleware.
  • When JWT protected routes are requested by the client the JWT is validated on the server. If the JWT is not valid route processing will stop and a 401 (unauthorised) error will be returned to the client.

Packages Used

  • jsonwebtoken middleware to create JWT
  • express-jwt Express middleware to add JWT validation to $http routes
  • Mongoose to connect with the MongoDB
  • Bcryptjs to encrypt the plain text password for storage in MongoDB

The program is based on a number of sources see server.js


  • MongoDB running
  • Node
  • bower client package manager


  • Clone the Repository
  • npm install - install all the node packages listed in the package.json file
  • bower install - installs the front end packages listed in the bower.json file
  • Turn on MongoDB
  • Open ../server/config/database.js and enter Mongo database details
  • node server.js - start up Node\Express server
  • Browse to http://localhost:8800

Technologies Used

Node, Express 4.x, Angular, Mongoose, MongoDB, Robomongo MongoDB client, REST API, Bower, Bcryptjs, $http service to make AJAX requests in AngularJS.

Michael Cullen 2014