

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A CRUD Todo App with PostgreSQL that uses $HTTP service with verbs post, get, put and delete.

  • Built with NodeJS, ExpressJS, AngularJS and a PostgreSQL database

Node/Express provides the RESTful API through which the PostgreSQL database is queried.

The program is mainly based on a Node Todo Tutorial on scotch.io. The program makes use of Brian Carlsons PostgreSQL client for NodeJS.


  • Node
  • PostgreSQL database running on port 5432. A database needs to be created having one table with 3 fields.
  • Using pgAdmin user permissions should be set to allow read, write, delete operations.
    • id: data type serial which performs auto increment starting at 1. It also ensures the field is Not Null. Also set the field to be the primary key,
    • text: type name,
    • done: type Boolean


  • Clone the Repository
  • npm install - install all the node packages listed in the package.json file
  • bower install - installs the front end packages listed in the bower.json file
  • Open ../server/config/database.js and enter PostgreSQL database connection details
  • node server.js
  • Browse to http://localhost:3090

Technologies used

Screen Shot


Michael Cullen 2014